How to get map to show coordinates

Oh, nice! Thanks Darkrevdk!
FWIW, coordinates are just percentages of the distance across the zone map. (0,0) is always the top-left, (100,100) is always the bottom-right, (50,50) is always the exact center, no matter the zone. Given a pair of numbers, it's not terribly difficult to point to that area on the map.

If you need, like, multiple decimal places of accuracy because you're looking for an item that's only five pixels square in the game world, then you need a map addon, but until then you need basic math.
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08/23/2016 05:22 PMPosted by Farmbuyer
FWIW, coordinates are just percentages of the distance across the zone map. (0,0) is always the top-left, (100,100) is always the bottom-right, (50,50) is always the exact center, no matter the zone. Given a pair of numbers, it's not terribly difficult to point to that area on the map.

If you need, like, multiple decimal places of accuracy because you're looking for an item that's only five pixels square in the game world, then you need a map addon, but until then you need basic math.

This may be my favourite post ever. XD
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07/06/2016 08:05 PMPosted by Darkrevdk
This frustrated me to no end that I would have to get an addon with a ton of crap, just to show my coordinates.

So, I dug a bit and figured out how to code it out, the examples above really helped.

This will create a new box at the top of your screen showing your coordinates:

/run local p,f,x,y="player",gf or CreateFrame("Button","gf",UIParent,"UIGoldBorderButtonTemplate") f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0) f:SetWidth(80) f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) f:SetText(format("(%.1f,%.1f)",x*100,y*100)) end)

This is incredibly useful. Thank you!
07/06/2016 08:05 PMPosted by Darkrevdk
This frustrated me to no end that I would have to get an addon with a ton of crap, just to show my coordinates.

So, I dug a bit and figured out how to code it out, the examples above really helped.

This will create a new box at the top of your screen showing your coordinates:

/run local p,f,x,y="player",gf or CreateFrame("Button","gf",UIParent,"UIGoldBorderButtonTemplate") f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0) f:SetWidth(80) f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) f:SetText(format("(%.1f,%.1f)",x*100,y*100)) end)

Thank you!!!
Can someone just explain to me how to get an add on for the coordinates? I'm awful with computers and I've never messed around with macros. Help would be appreciated lol.
There's two flavours of MapCoords on WoWInterface:
displays coordinates on the world map
displays them on your minimap
With the exploration achievement coordinates released as of late. I decided to necro this thread. As it would be beneficial for all.


1.) Coordinate script: Chat window *macro* put on skill bar click when needed.
/script x,y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); map=GetZoneText(); c1=x*100;c2=y*100; print(string.format("%s: %.2f, %.2f", map, c1, c2));

2.) Coordinate script: "top center of screen" : Updates when you move.
*Creates a 12 character text box that shows your coordinates at top center of your screen.*

/run local p,f,x,y="player",gf or CreateFrame("Button","gf",UIParent,"UIGoldBorderButtonTemplate") f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0) f:SetWidth(80) f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) f:SetText(format("(%.1f,%.1f)",x*100,y*100)) end)

3.) Coordinate script: "top left" inside your name plate. Updates when you move.
*WORKS GREAT for very short character names only*

/run local p,f,x,y="player",MyL or CreateFrame("Frame","MyL",PlayerFrame) f.t=0 f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) f.t=f.t+e if f.t>.25 then f.t=0 x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) PlayerName:SetText(format("%s (%.1f,%.1f)",UnitName(p),x*100,y*100)) end end)

*NOTE: To use the these simply copy paste the full /script or /run in game. to remove them /reload your user interface.

Thank you for reading.

10/28/2016 12:17 AMPosted by Chombucket
Can someone just explain to me how to get an add on for the coordinates? I'm awful with computers and I've never messed around with macros. Help would be appreciated lol.

For a macro, log into your character, hit Esc on your keyboard and the menu should pop up. Press Macros, then press "New" and name it whatever (I named mine Map Coordinates ), then copy and paste the macro into the dark grey box. (If you don't know how, it's ctrl-V).

Hope this helped! ♥
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How has blizzard not added this simple thing to the map yet? Honestly they want us to not download addons but they won't even do something this simple for us lol
To anyone wondering this does still work!!!
07/06/2016 08:05 PMPosted by Darkrevdk
This frustrated me to no end that I would have to get an addon with a ton of crap, just to show my coordinates.

So, I dug a bit and figured out how to code it out, the examples above really helped.

This will create a new box at the top of your screen showing your coordinates:

/run local p,f,x,y="player",gf or CreateFrame("Button","gf",UIParent,"UIGoldBorderButtonTemplate") f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0) f:SetWidth(80) f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) f:SetText(format("(%.1f,%.1f)",x*100,y*100)) end)
Don't necro such old posts people!
1 Like
I found a "regular" timber in the upper right corner above the everbloom wilds, a little ways southeast of the flightpoint. I took a picture of it but can't figure out how to upload an image here? I'm fairly certain this was NOT in the quest zone.

All I got for it was a toy? Sheesh, seems like an awful lot of work for a stupid tree disguise...
09/07/2015 12:34 PMPosted by Pantosophy
It doesn't exist any more, as it was posted in 2011 and not maintained. Here's a current addon with map coordinates:
as one lowly shaman to another high born, thank you. Will try it asap. Flipshaman
07/15/2017 08:37 AMPosted by Fhswamper
To anyone wondering this does still work!!!
07/06/2016 08:05 PMPosted by Darkrevdk
This frustrated me to no end that I would have to get an addon with a ton of crap, just to show my coordinates.

So, I dug a bit and figured out how to code it out, the examples above really helped.

This will create a new box at the top of your screen showing your coordinates:

/run local p,f,x,y="player",gf or CreateFrame("Button","gf",UIParent,"UIGoldBorderButtonTemplate") f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0) f:SetWidth(80) f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) f:SetText(format("(%.1f,%.1f)",x*100,y*100)) end)

Worked for me on this date - it's kind of cool
07/17/2017 02:11 PMPosted by Adamishereto
Don't necro such old posts people!

Thanks, board police, but evergreen information is going to get bumped from time to time. Deal with it.
The reason this board has a no-necro policy is because the API changes with every patch (at least a little), with every major patch (sometimes a lot), and with every XPAC (usually radically).

If you have a question or a contribution, start a post.
09/21/2016 07:48 PMPosted by Erikodin
07/06/2016 08:05 PMPosted by Darkrevdk
This frustrated me to no end that I would have to get an addon with a ton of crap, just to show my coordinates.

So, I dug a bit and figured out how to code it out, the examples above really helped.

This will create a new box at the top of your screen showing your coordinates:

/run local p,f,x,y="player",gf or CreateFrame("Button","gf",UIParent,"UIGoldBorderButtonTemplate") f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0) f:SetWidth(80) f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) f:SetText(format("(%.1f,%.1f)",x*100,y*100)) end)

Thank you!!!

Super helpful, all I did was change the code so that it displayed above my Characters face icon, which for my display settings on a 27" Monitor was ("TOP",-800,0) in lieu of ("TOP",0,0), so basically negative numbers to move it to the left of the screen and Positive to move it the right of the screen, after the first comma after "TOP" ... Which I'm sure if ya wanted to move it up or down would be after the second comma after "TOP" ... Hope this helps for those that want to tweak it just a smidge more. :)
Can you also mention how to DEACTIVATE this (or realy any in-game script)? I have tried /stop (script here) and nothing. The script im trying to stop:

/run local p,f,x,y="player",gf or CreateFrame("Button","gf",UIParent,"UIGoldBorderButtonTemplate") f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0) f:SetWidth(80) f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition(p) f:SetText(format("(%.1f,%.1f)",x*100,y*100)) end)

i want to try and find one that works with my mouse cursor and map instead.
06/18/2018 08:02 AMPosted by Kozyx
Can you also mention how to DEACTIVATE this (or realy any in-game script)?

/console reloadui