How to fix wow

Noooooo :frowning:
I don’t love GCD. ?? I will feed u for a second.
If I get caught in a GCD rn, no Defensive or heal up
 I could very well die.i don’t love it. Don’t hate it either. Just a major part of the game. U want no GCD??? Stack haste bud. Idek if that still worx. But youll find a way.

For 25$ u can buy the gcd from the blizzard store

Even a 3 to 5% would be an improvement.

What? Blizzard’s never been able to do that even as far back as vanilla. Microsoft isn’t going to be able to either.

Something that blizzard never should have stopped doing in the first place. It made classes more unique and fun to play.

Borrowed power systems have proven several times over now that they just don’t work. Why blizzard refuses to acknowledge this is just slightly on the dumb side.

It’s an old game engine, there isn’t all that much they can really do with it. Graphics aren’t what make a good game though. It’d just be icing on the cake is all.

Pretty much, they also haven’t added any new seasonal content over the years to keep things fresh. Maybe some weekend events too would be nice. An open world MMO and they haven’t done much to add world content like they should have been to keep players interested.

Gear is a requirement to accomplish any skilled based control over any class. Granted, you can get skilled players that make the most of what they have but gear makes that all the better.

What? Why? That’s a waste of time, effort and resources. You might as well just tell them to make WoW 2 and get it over with.

GCD is necessary for specific abilities that would otherwise make the classes way too over powered in game play. Some of those GCDs could stand to have lower time frames though.

It should have remained something the players buy for gold from the flight trainer during each new expansion. There was never anything wrong with that. Blizzard just wanted to force players to sub for longer periods of time which was counter productive in that regard.

Dailies are mind numbingly stupid to begin with. Sadly, this game requires them to some extent as end game content. The way it’s been designed is to keep players subbed and again, it’s accomplishing the exact opposite as other things they’re doing with the game.

There’s an in game guide for all the instances. Players seem to not make any use of it apparently for the most part. What makes you think they’d waste their time reading what an NPC has to say?

That would require that they hire the necessary numbers of people for such customer service. So long as Bobby remains, that will likely never happen. I’m not really certain that microsoft will put that effort in either.

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Solid feedback

worth it
 I will pay for GCD only if it is a debuff on target enemy.

I love the conversation here a lot of unique points of view

Why would any of those mounts even be in the shop? I wouldn’t even put those up for Gold, at least make them achievements for the last raid to tease the next expansion. I can see the Chinese New Year celebration mount being in the shop but a Rylak? A RYLAK?! Why would I pay $25 dollars for something that is bland?!

The only thing that seems to be a fit in the in-game shop is those that don’t feel like they belong in the Warcraft universe. All of those mounts except for maybe the gold aspect mount, and the Chinese New Year celebration, do feel like they’re from a Warcraft universe. Which they are!

Change void elves to high elves.

Delete blood elves.

Designate Silvermoon as an Alliance city.


It’s so weird seeing how some mounts fit within the scenery + some are just such a diff art style and much better graphics than the mount’s surroundings makes it look off

A staple race, from BC (iconic)
 first xpac (obv)
 plz do (del)ete, yes.
give Horde a different elf
 I think demon hunter’s kind of revolve around the elf theme
 so Horde has to have one
 right? BE?? nah. Revamp it if anything. theory craft a new elf. I cant

That’s not how to fix WoW.

That how to make the game easier, simpler and more convenient for the entitled and lazy.

I would settle for them making Chromie Time eligible after you hit max level. Allow players to run all old expansions if they want to, not just for levelling. That will help new players like me get caught up on all the story.

Mini Map → Magnifying Glass Icon → Trivial Quests (Make sure this is turned on)

Command board in most major cities, probably Orgrimmar.
You don’t need Chromie time to do old stories?? Did I miss something with Chromie time??

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I could do the trivial quest way, but I really like how cohesive the Chromie Time experience has been, though I think it needs to be tuned better.

I guess it has more direction as to the main quest line. The Command Board does it really well though. I think I get what you mean. Just gotta start crackin’ at the trivia quests & board tho
 cuz no Chromie time 4 us. For now

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You had me until I read this:

Well done!! Nice Sunday post! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That movie was so awesome. I completely forgot about it until seeing that. :joy:

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Did you know that if you hit the spacebar while mounted on Lucky Yun with a character that does not have flight, he has a really neat animation? I found a couple videos, but I don’t know how to clip them so you don’t have to watch all the other stuff before the person hits space lol. Anyway, he flies up, does a barrel roll & then crashes to the ground again, creating a cracked surface & dropping a bunch of gold coins. Then he pops back to his feet & shakes it off. You can hear the coins hitting the ground & rolling away too.

That would be kinda cool! Something more fun to do than dailies & rep grinds for months between “content” patches

What I got from that post was not that we can’t do old content once we’re max level, but more having Chromie reduce our level to that expansion so we’re not killing mobs just by sneezing or farting sideways.

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Void elf demon hunters

Not sure if you know this or not but if you make a macro called /mountspecial you can do that on toons that have flying. So if you’re in a flying area just hit that macro. :smiley:

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