How To Fix PVP

It’s a 15 year old game bruh

There’s nothing to fix

It’s like saying lets fix Super Mario Bros

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The game needs to be updated to 2020. The ignorance of #NoChanges should never have happened, but here we are; the game is in complete disarray.


it’s the cave not the gy

The more ppl like you leave the game, the better

I have a way to fix PvP that is even more simple: Ban pugging for WSG/AB.

Here’s the thing: People would still whine on the forums about losing, because they find some equally unrelated excuse.

How to fix OP:

  1. Remind him that he could have included this into the thread he created 10 mins prior
  2. Report for spam

The game is fine, it’s you that’s in disarray.

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there IS a 2020 version of the game
just go play that instead

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  1. Is ok don’t care 5man cap is ok

  2. Professions is making your toon better, anyone can do it that’s on you.

  3. Any can get trinket or dispel. Again play the game.

  4. Rank is built for rpg elements (play your toon more and make them better)

No, thank you. Players having control of their group is fundamental to the game.

Sounds like retail is calling you.

My opinion and I don’t care either way. Your opinion is no thanks. Ok

Note I didn’t create the thread only added my opinion but I don’t care on 1.
I see it benefits the pugs and ppl playing with friends. Still gives premades an edge.

I could see something like WSG(cap 5m) , AB (cap 7 to 8), AV (cap 15 to 20).

So, it would still give premades an edge, ppl play with friends, and not to over dominate over pugs. It’s whatever I am ok with current as well.

Main issue in PvP in my opinion

  • afkers
    *holy warriors (just stand behind everyone
  • stealth sitters

If you want to know who those ppl are…
*ppl that want something for nothing *PVE but want PvP gear
*ppl that rely on others to much (complains about meme specs)
*the GM and friends that funnel gear to themselves in raids notice they cannot do it with PvP

  • the gold and toon sellers inc
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There’s no doubt Blizzard needs to step up their game with policing botters and afkers. Their one week suspension every 3 months isn’t going to stop anyone. But I made this thread more about things to alter with the ruleset of BGs and Honor.

You’re forgetting the part where I mentioned that players should be able to control their own groups.

I’m not interested in being forced to carry useless pugs while queuing as a group. The game doesn’t need to be reworked to endorse a lack of effort.

Do you think it’d be OK if raids were capped at 30 players and you were forced to bring 10 fresh level 60’s that don’t know how to follow simple direction?

I understand that’s why I put the root of the issue

You create a new thread every few days. You do this for attention as it obviously doesn’t help discussion.

  1. Setting a limit is not a “ban”, and it’s already done in AV.
  2. No need.
  3. Again, no need, especially if you don’t ban the use of potions/professions. I find it funny that your last point wants to ban things that help vs CCs, while this point wants to nerf CCs. Why not just leave things as they are then, and go use those things??? They exist for a reason, and those that fund them are supposed to have an advantage.
  4. They should remove the decay entirely. You finally made a good point, or at least, half of one.
  5. Pointless?

Btw you left out the biggest thing they could do, which is help balance the factions. This deserves a list of its own, but that’s a thread for another day.

We could always give premaders a dishonorable kill for every pugger they kill inside a BG. That would discourage graveyard camping and make the premaders to actually try and use their brain to play. You want the reward? Actually work for it not just chat on the microphone.

Faster to just get gear.

You’ve resorted to trolling at this point, but I guess that was inevitable since there was never anywhere logical to go.

Reminder that OP currently has 4 threads open that all share the same topic. Don’t give him more attention, pile discussion into another thread.

If he wants to be addressed by Blizzard, he can complain to their moderators.