How to fix M+ pugging, lack of tanks heals and toxicity

Kira had a outlaw rogue using the exploit, hasnt been timed since.
Any 16 or 17 using a outlaw rogue is irrelevant. Check the list for completion dates and party comps.

Who are you to move these goal posts?

Blizzard stated all exploited runs will be deleted from leaderboards. Sorry.

And, do you know if they have exploited or not?

This is nothing more than an opinion. We don’t know this. It could lead to more completions and more failures.

So that person is stuck in key purgatory until they find a group capable of carrying or lower their key at the npc. Thats fine. If I join a key lead by a person like this I can tell after a few trash packs and just leave if I’m so inclined. I’d personally rather deal with that than having key depletion in the game.

I’d rather not deal with this.

Yes. The outlaw rogue they were with was dumb enough to use the exploit in raids, which got logged.
Multiple times.

Right, but like ALL outlaw rogues that have done 16s?

If they did 16s but couldnt get to 17s its quite obvious.

I can go through all their logs and find proof but that’s your job for defending them.

why is it obvious? The basis of one key level up is that things are harder.

I disagree. Having my key deplete because someone chose to ignore the “weekly no leaver, probably won’t time” is far more toxic than having to leave a key after a few trash packs because the leader is bad, in my opinion.

This actually proves my point. Why don’t people kick in Mythic Raids, but in all other difficulties? Oh because of a lock out.

So you now admit that it will happen. Great.

Took you long enough.

What kind of logic is this? LOL.

Because their damage is now 1/3 what it was.

Not counting the exploit, assassination was always higher damage. Its the new meta.

That doesn’t matter though - the ability to do 16s doesn’t magically make them capable of doing 17s.

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If they can do 16s they should be able to do 17s which means they should have 18s done already. LOL one of the worst arguments I’ve heard.

Yes, it does. Simply due to how weekly stats going up and player buffs work. 10% increase to the key,10% to the players.

Its why every week, a new level of key is cleared until critical mass is reached for gear and stats, and nothing is changed.

Why stop there? Why not 9000?

Over 9000!

Greater rifts go to 150, why can’t we get past those numbers? Are Diablo gamers better than WOW players?

You clearly don’t understand how player power and keys scale. Keys increase 10% compounding. Meaning it is non-linear. Player power is way more linear where each average 1 ilvl is roughly 1-1.5% increase.

Mythic+ Level Modifier % Mythic+ Level Modifier %
2 +10% 9 +114%
3 +21% 10 +136%
4 +33% 11 +159%
5 +46% 12 +185%
6 +61% 13 +214%
7 +77% 14 +245%
8 +95% 15 +280%

Tell me how a player grows at the same rate keys scale.

Same reason previous season went to 40+. +16 is 35.

Please let me know how I can get 10% power increase per week.