How to find out what step of Tides of Vengeance I'm on?

I’m attempting to unlock the Kul Tiran race, but I haven’t played Alliance since the middle of the BFA expansion. At some point I abandoned all old quests, so now I have no idea how to find out which step I’m on.

I was already well on my way to unlocking them when it was current content; I’ve completed BFA Pathfinder Pt. 2 and A Nation United. I just need the Tides of Vengeance achievement, but as I said I have no idea which quest I’m on. I know it requires level 60 now, so I leveled my character to 60. But is there some way to figure out which quest in the chain I’m on? I know it starts with “The Calm Before” but I’m pretty sure I already completed that quest, and Matthias Shaw doesn’t have it.

I think that lists the scripts you can run in game to see what quests you’ve done. Hope that helps

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Right, I took a look at that but it just tells me I need Tides of Vengeance. But I have no idea where to begin to do that because I’m in the middle of the first quest chain somewhere…


it shows you what quests you haven’t done in a zone

Read through some of these, see if they help:

And remember: if you have dungeons to do, you no longer have to. Talk to the person who gave you the dungeon quest and they offer you a skip feature.

I didn’t see the War Campaign section of the achievement tracker before. It says I have Footholds 1, 2 and 3 complete, along with “War Campaign.” The 8.1 War Campaign is incomplete… but again I have no idea where I am in the quest chain, and none of the NPCs on the boat in Boralus seem to have any of the quests in the chain for me.

I also went to Zuldazar to look for Kelsey Steelspark but can’t even find her! Could I be out of phase?

EDIT: Looks like Kelsey is the cabin on the boat in Boralus but she only seems to have an unrelated quest…

EDIT 2: Still super confused. Using the Quest Tracker on Wowhead, it looks like Kelsey Steelspark should be in Zuldazar to offer “A Nice Nap” and “The Sleeper Agent” but she’s not where she’s supposed to be on the map.

Is it possible that I’m somehow out of phase with the questgivers in this chain, since I haven’t played since BFA was current, way before the level squish and/or the increase to level 60 for these quests?

EDIT 3: For anyone else stuck trying to figure this out, what helped me were the scripts on each quest page on Wowhead: “See if you’ve already completed this by typing:”. Using these I was able to follow the quest chain until I discovered the quest I hadn’t completed, which then directed me to where the next quest was!

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