How to effectively use Murkalot for PvP?

I am one of those lucky bastards who happens to own a Murkalot in my collection from the old days.

I’m learning to use this pet in PvP. There’s not much controversy that it combos very well with TCS for the insane team AoE. It’s harder to figure out how to fill the 3rd spot. I have also tried to substitute TCS with Zeradar.

Really love to hear about your comments!

The best way to use Murkalot is to abuse righteous inspiration it’s an amazing powerful move.

I like to use it to empower Blackfuse bombling at the cost of my bombling i can normally do 650-700 damage to the entire enemy team or basically 1-shot one pet depending on the enemy team

The best way to use Murkalot is with 2 Elekk Plushies. Trust me.