Source please.
Is that automated? Again, they purposely went out of their way to not address any specific example Tips asked them about, and instead made a general statement about ui customizing.
These guys aren’t dumb. It’s almost like you guys believe there has never been an addon written after a launch or expansion that the devs broke later.
It is not fine, and I think Blizzard will see that this kind of thing is not in the spirit of the original game and do the right thing.
Nope, its over. I’m just here to laugh at all of the people so upset by a chat parser.
I wouldn’t go that far. If this addon or another one goes against the spirit of the game it should be looked at accordingly. I’m not saying this addon will or won’t be broken since I haven’t personally used it yet. All I’ve seen is the addons page description and a Retail clip of said addon.
Automated? That’s a fairly blanket statement. All addons and macros are automated to some extent. I mean, unless you are furiously typing the code every single time you want to do something.
Could you be more specific?
Also, this was an on the spot response to a question they did not even hear. I think I would trust a canned on-stage statement much more.
So make friends. This concept goes all the way back to when we were monkeys.
Yea, it should be a nightmare to pug anything.
Well considering that chat is in the game and they made innkeepers and stones make grouping faster, it seems to be very much in the spirit of vanilla.
The more I play back Ions blizzcon video, I think hes talking more about raiderio and oqueue type addons.
Ask the devs.
Those are called guilds and they are part of the standard Classic interface so they are fine.
Next time we sit down for a chat I certainly will.
Well, there was just a podcast, and they refused to be specific.
They made innkeepers to make grouping easier? uh, have I missed something all these years? I thought they were for teleporting back home and buying food and drink.
"It sounded like he was asking if we have a philosophy about add-ons just in general, like which ones would be allowed, and I feel like the general philosophy is, like: if it automates gameplay, we don’t like it to automate the gameplay for you. If it’s helping you see the layout in a way that makes you feel like it’s more comfortable for you to view and respond to, that’s exactly why add-ons are in the game, is to make, like, the interface more comfortable for you to read and respond to, especially for anybody who, like, uses them to help with disabilities and things like that. That’s what we’re absolutely commited to.
That’s one of the reasons we left in color-blind mode. Like, what kind of jerks would we be to take that out, right?! We really want people to be able to see and experience and react to the game in a way that feels comfortable to them, but we don’t want it to be played for them."
So, first part: “we don’t like it to automate the gameplay for you” - This add-on does not do that.
Second part: “If it’s helping you see the layout in a way that makes you feel like it’s more comfortable for you to view and respond to, that’s exactly why add-ons are in the game” - That’s exactly what this add-on does. It parses chat messages and displays them in a clean GUI.
That’s not what this add-on does, though.
The Devs went through the trouble of stripping out something as nebulous as casting times from the API in order to make castbar addons less accurate for the sake of “the spirit of classic”. If you think for even one second that they didn’t consider an addon like this getting made, I’ve got a bridge in Stormwind that I’d like to sell you.
then you won’t need this addon clearly, so it should likely just be axed
I don’t think add-ons should be “axed” just because I don’t use them. What the hell? Why would anyone think that’s a good idea?
Need? There’s lots I don’t need but I will certainly use a tool that helps me meet and group with more people, that was a great way to be social in the original game and I think it will be that way this time too.