How to Address Premades in Classic Battlegrounds

That isn’t true at all.

If one team has 3 devoted healers and the other team has none, the team with no healers doesn’t stand a chance regardless of how well they coordinate.

You hinder your own skill growth by continually queuing solo. I guarantee that you will improve immensely as a player once you start playing as a collective.

It sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder for people who form groups to succeed. That or you tried to arena at some point and failed miserably.

TBC/Wrath/Cata models were the BEST for pvp even if other things about the expansions were not.

S1 Arena gives you a shot at grinding out the best loot, you grind out your rating you get better pieces of gear and at a faster rate. Blue gear/dungeon gear is a good starting point.

S2 Arena starts and all S1 gear gets dumped onto battlegrounds so you have a catch up mechanic that barely keeps you 1 tier behind, you can grind out the full set in a week. At worst you’re 1-2 weeks behind if you didn’t arena at all.

Classic does not have this fall back system in place. You cannot split the PVP scene between competitive and pug and not reward the competitive bracket. Blizzard will not be creating new gear for Classic wow to compensate for this so you’ll never see a split between pug and premade in wsg/ab.

Not really, most premades just rely on easy wins vs pugs not skill.

The game hinders every player who queues solo by allowing premades to face them under unfair circumstances, Bozho.

The premade has 2 inherent advantages over the pug; gear without:

  • The ability to control team composition
  • Voice

Everything else “comes stock,” as it were.

The fact that premades beat pugs pretty consistently is a result of these two factors, and not because the players in them are inherently better at the game.

You’ve built this argument with the misconception that the people who play in the “competitive bracket” deserve better gear than the rest of us.

If those players are legitimately better players than we are, then they should be able to prove that using the same gear we use.

Of course, that’s working as intended. What I’m saying is that you will improve as a player once you start communicating and playing consecutive games with each other as you’ll learn how to play as a team.

You will also improve at a quicker rate by learning off other players rather than learning by yourself at a slower rate.

And what I’m saying is “that experience doesn’t interest me,” as somebody who prefers to pug.

There’s no drama, no yelling, just gameplay. That’s about all I’m after.

In a pug? lol.

They’re not all peaches and cream, but wost case scenario I only have to put up with it until the end of the match.


Furthermore, it’s in a chat window, and not causing my ears to bleed.

They do and they are, at the very least on average people willing to form groups are better then people who chose not to. This is an indisputable fact.

There of course are outliers to this and I also pug as well as premade.

Regardless though in a correctly structured system with MMR and premade groups there is a split in gear rewards vs people simply playing alone. Since classic does not offer this higher tier reward structure you’re going to have to just learn to deal with premades.

I play with my guild, we don’t yell each other. I suggest networking yourself with players that you would communicate well with rather than giving up entirely.

I wouldn’t mind playing with real-life friends, man; but the truth is I’m simply not all that interested in conversing with people I met on the internet.

I’m just out here tryin’ to play some games and listen to some tunes and have fun.

It’s always felt bad sinch patch 2.0 that I wasn’t able to do that and remain competitively powerful in reference to the other characters in the game though, because I am a competitive person – as are many people who pug, we’re just not social people. Not as it pertains to the game, at any rate.

Fair but I would argue that end game content has always favoured grouping. I would even argue that it’s necessary.

shadafup you are not entitled to play pug versus pug. that’s not the way that the game was designed to be played. they’re not going to change it, stop trying to make it happen so that you can get your rank3 to exalted, get your purples, and stop queueing.

stop complaining about it, it’s never goign to change, just get gud.

From a historical perspective you’re absolutely accurate if you’re talking about raiding.

But Vanilla Battlegrounds didn’t have that requirement until pugs started getting rickrolled by teams of raiders.

I didn’t say that it was a requirement, I said it’s favoured. Even in vanilla ranking favoured premades.

Players are older, wiser and more determined. You see this in classic raiding too.

Isn’t it like that in every single WoW expansion? Including Classic?

Like, of course they deserve it. How did you arrive at the conclusion that they don’t?

You encountered them, yes.

But you weren’t lockedout of playing AB/WSG for half the week because every single game was 10-15 helmets – primarily because that was mathematically impossible as a result of Vanilla bracket sizes.

Vanilla PvP felt inherently more casual than the pvp systems featured in expansions subsequent to it, and I confess it feels like Classic has been hijacked by retail try-hards.

I feel like you’re purposely missing the point. Just because you may have encountered them less, doesn’t mean that they haven’t always been more favoured of winning.

Be careful of creating boogeymen. I would argue more are returning veterans and/or pserver players.

Like I mentioned a few posts earlier, it’s more that we are older and more determined than we were as children.

I’m certain they’ve always been favored to win because of many of the evidences I’ve provided over the course of the thread… It only serves to better justifiy that they should be in a separate queue from pugs who are matchmade upon the premise of a randomized team.

To me, pugging in an effort based model was one of the novel successes of the Vanilla PvP system – even if had its’ own set of failures in the nature of rank decay.

If anyone who reads this thread comes away from it with the understanding of why that system/experience has/had value, my time will not have been wasted; even if no changes are made to matchmaking in WoW Classic.

Pug v Pre being permissible was, in my opinion, one of the notable mistakes upon which the trajectory of 12-13 years of subsequent development hinged; which might’ve otherwise gone a completely different direction if the developers had better understood what value that experience had to offer players.

Being able to see the server side ladders with spy definitely changes the way I perceive it, and the first time around I confess I enjoyed it far more; because people knew less about how it worked, and it was more about just playing the game.

But this is a big one.

Between server sizes and cross realm battlegrounds, it doesn’t really feel like the same game.