How SL actually is Alt friendly

I did the intro many, many times since wod. Having to fight through 40 mobs to get to the Dark Portal isn’t worth it to me. Fishing raft and getting a ride is now my SOP.

Did you drop the quest before you tried to enter the portal? I’m not sure what would happen if you didn’t drop it, but I’m guessing something like this. (Genuinely asking, not trying to be snarky if that’s how it sounds.)

No. I didn’t drop the quest. Blasted Lands is a level 15-50 zone, which means any mobs between the flight point and the Dark Portal would have been red to her.

Did Blizzard developer officially said or confirmed SL is alts friendly ?Just wondering.

what is the new wod skip?

You have to drop the quest when you get to the portal, before you try to go through it. Don’t even talk to Khadgar. The mobs coming through the portal shouldn’t attack you if you don’t attack them first.

My character wasn’t able to get to the dark portal because of all the mobs between the flight point where she spawned and the dark portal.

Oh I see, I was able to run there. I took the road then tried to avoid the mobs. If you run in the crater centered to the Dark Portal (directly behind Khadgar), there aren’t any mobs. At least there weren’t any the other day for me.

This :point_down:

i love you

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My alts have been doing quite well this patch. All I did in 9.0 is level them to 60.

I started 9.1 with all of them around 170ilvl, they now almost all have a 225-235 legendary, full Korthia and a 230.

What addon is that?

Altoholic by Thaoky

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Spiffy, thanks :+1:

It’s more alt friendly than Legion and BFA were, but it’s still less alt friendly than pre-borrowed power.

I miss the days where you got a character to cap and all you had to do was chase gear.

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Careful its a dangerous addon for Altoholism.

Soon you won’t be playing "WoW’ you’ll be playing “Fill the grid with big numbers”

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Thats how i’m playing right now, I’m ignoring most of the renown and conduit stuff. Just getting Korthia catch-up, and going straight in dungeons. Since i’m playing low level at the moment I haven’t hit any “invite wall”. Probably will start after m+5

Gun + shield sounds like an interesting combo we will never get.

You can also use if you want to do it out of game (much easier to deal with and plan than the in-game addon IMO). Plus it handles WAY MORE alts than the grids of Altoholic.

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Yea that’s my problem. I wanna jump immediately into raiding and +10s, but you have to do a whole lot of borrowed power grind on top of gearing up to do that.

I miss the simpler days of capping an alt and doing alt runs with the guild, but there is pressure not to be that sandbag.

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