How premaders are similar to petty brats

It’s pretty sad the lengths people go to just to abuse a video game. I always queue random solo. at certain times (usually 12am -6am EST for me) epic BG is not even an option. my team? a bunch of randoms running around like headless chickens typing “welp its over gg” and then leaving after first team fight and enemy team is more co-oridanited than all of the worlds militarys combined. its very interesting how it works. Im definitely in favor to end abusive player behavior tied to poorly designed matchmaking and stuff like this only makes the player participation worse and the queue times longer for everyone. every “bonus battleground” mode at all brackets feels terrible to queue as a solo compared to other popular multiplayer titles out there thats my main take.


Such balogna. You Dodged other premades all the time…No one was allowed to enter a BG without you or Yagga “checking it out” first. Also, you and Yagga refused to wargame SPM…straight up refused. A lot of us wanted to do it, but nope, that would take actual effort on your part.

And…at the start of Legion, que times were long for Horde, yes, but the main complaint was that they buffed the guards in AV and it was way harder to corral folks into the cave…on top of that you and Yagga realized that you could just go into Tol Barad instances over and over and farm honor by standing around and doing nothing. So that was the first however many weeks of Legion. No more AV, just using an expliot to farm honor. It was so effing lame. A lot of people split because they actually wanted to play the game as opposed to exploiting.


I’m confused…if you hate premades, why are you joining premades??

I mean if you’re going to preach here on the forums about how bad they are, at least walk the walk.

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At least some of them can admit it’s wrong, but it’s an occasional guilty pleasure.

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They care about getting a paycheck, which depends on people playing their game. :slight_smile:

It’s a balance, between making hardcore players happy AND casual players happy. It’s not like hardcore players pay more than casual players do. If they did, then I would understand. :slight_smile:

Accepted means I just joined the guild not accepted a invite to a premade