How old is my character?

Excellent, that’s what I was wondering. Thanks!

Apparently its a about 15 years. I actually thought about this a bit when i made my classic version of this toon. This toon has gray hair and i estimate him to be about 45 years of age. My classic version of this toon has black hair and is probably about 30 years old.

As your character is a Forsaken Rogue that would depend on 2 factors.

  1. Whether or not your character was a part of the Scourge.
  2. Whether or not expansions take place over the course of 1 in-game year per expansion, or equal real world time.

If your character was a part of the Scourge then they were ‘killed’ at the age of 20 during the 3rd War. This would mean that they spent ~ 5 years as a zombie/ghoul/monster before being converted to the Forsaken in Vanilla.

Following that, if expansions are in real time they would be 42 years old.
If expansions are 1 in-game year per expansion then they would be 35 years old by the end of Shadowlands.

But as they are Forsaken, they are still the rotted body of a 20 year old.

i always imagined my earliest characters started out in their late teens/early 20’s. how that scales for Night Elves is a good question…I’m gonna say I’m probably a few hundred years old. 328 to be exact!


42 is the only true answer.

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I’ve often wondered this myself. Assuming my paladin was about 20 when he started in Northshire, I guess he’d be about 35 now. Then again, I intentionally made him look a bit older, so maybe he’s close to 45. Whatever the case, I’d put him at about the same age as Jaina.

Vanilla was year 25, DF is year 40.

Your character would be 35.

Your toon would be 35 as well as of DF.

Isn’t it just 48? I don’t know, unless in the Wow world time is supposed to flow differently then it’d be like maybe… over a span of atleast a few centuries. At the very least, I’d imagine.

Year 0 is when the Dark portal first opened(ie Warcraft 1). Year 40 is the start of DF.

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So just 40 years?!

Classic was year 25 and SL is year 34 or 35
So about 10 years

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Shadowlands began in the year 35 after the opening of the Dark Portal, and Dragonflight will begin in the year 40.


Guys, doesn’t it feel like its super fast paced for only being like 40 years old in-game. Its like a bunch of stuff happening non-stop lmao. They never get a break in there, can the reproduction cycle of any race aside from human’s and orc’s really handle such decimation? Hmm… :thinking:

Imagine having a World war every year and its like every 2-3 years its a new World War, I’m surprised that the Azeroth natives can still keep going like nothing. Its amazing.

No, you’re misunderstanding.

It’s been 40 years since Warcraft 1.

It’s only been about 15 years from Vanilla to DF.

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Food for thought

In real life

Since 2020 U.S was been in war 225 out of 243 years


The last time the US declared war was WWII.

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Meh honestly semantics…
Since world war II, the congress has authorized military force. Basically same difference.

Technically if there is no declaration of war one would not be at war.

Again it’s just semantics, but we’ll just agree to disagree… tell all the guys that was in Vietnam that wasn’t a war.

Well i call the fire department to be there to help putting out the candles and other things .