How much stronger than a human is an orc?


Not even close.


I think female Orcs are built similarly to a Human male in peak condition so they may be comparable in physical strength. I’d guess male Orcs are significantly stronger though. They’re like 7 feet tall and twice as wide.

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well, looking more closely into weightlifting records, they’re back-lifted much more, but true, not with their arms over their heads- which makes orcs appear to be even that much more stronger than humans


And yet they lose every encounter to the Humans.

Fascinating really.
Humans are the strongest race by far.

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Yeah like that time they totally lost at Stormwind and didn’t wipe it out or anything.


I always have thought of this as a WWE huge wrestler like idk Brok Lesnar fighting a smaller one. His brute force would certainly overkill the other fighter, but it’s compensated by agility and technique.
I’m sure as big as an orc is, one cut to their leg tendons leaves them as hindered as any.
About Tauren, well the bigger they are, the harder is for them to halt and redirect their movements, I guess.

Hardest fighter to defeat… I would consider Nightelfs, they are very tall, much more muscled than their cousins, agile, fanged and night vision. A dangerous combination, I mean lions can take down a small elephant.

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If we’re going with average combatants, then we could always use the WCIII grunt stats vs footman stats.

Grunt: 700 hit points, 1 armor, 19.5 avg damage
Footman: 420 hit points, 2 armor, 12.5 avg damage

It took the entire Horde to take on one human city.

And even then they still could not do it through strength neither.

Orcs may win a battle or two when they sucker punch their opponents but can never win in a straight up fight with humans.

You haven’t actually read any of the lore, have you? There are numerous examples of orcs beating humans in straight up fights, and vice versa.

It’s a bit silly of me to engage with you, because you are obviously one of those people who just writes whatever and doesn’t care whether there is any actual evidence to support your claims. You just want to provoke. You are, in other words, a troll.


Half the Horde to be precise. A good chuck stayed in Draenor.

Same could be said of the Alliance. It needed help from internal discord of the Horde to deliver the killing blows.

Also, the night elves faired just as well as the Stormwind humans against the combined might of the Horde and that was without most of their army and little Alliance support. And both end in a similar manner with there respective cities razed to the ground.

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When you’re playing a Human character, you’re not playing a peon, a peasant, or even a disposable foot soldier.

You’re playing the Lothar, the Khadgar, etc. of your people.


In WC3 a footman averages 12.5 damage/attack while a grunt averages 19.5. (fully upgraded it is 17/30 respectively).

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Only the weak stayed behind as per Guldan’s instructions.

Also both Night Elves and Humans were beaten by deceit.
Amazing orc strength of arms had nothing to with it and they have otherwise lost every war despite winning the early sucker punch battles.

Says I dont know lore but fails to bring up anything to counter my point.

Orcs reign in physical strength, endurance and mass,

Human strength are its numbers together like a pack, formation battle tactic like that of romans, knowing your battles and limits

What both races share in common upon weaknesses?

Pride, arrogance, stubbornness and lack of proper wisdom.

PS: A human Worgen on the other hand is either just as equally strong or stronger than an orc when in worgen form. Genn swatted Varok away and stunned him with a weak swipe unarmed while Varok was armed with his axe

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You didn’t make a point. You just made a patently ridiculous claim that was intended to incite people.


Just like everyone loses to the Russians - even though the Russian airforce is a dude strapped to a crop duster, throwing bullets at the enemy lines.

Numbers and home turf advantage count for a lot.

Even brian shaw couldnt overhead press 1400 lbs

Orcs aren’t very strong. They’re actually very weak when we look at their size compared to regular humans. Remember, unlike the humans, the Orcs had to depend on others to gain dominance on their own continent. It wasn’t until the Draenei facerolled the Ogres that allowed the Orcs to flourish. This doesn’t speak highly of Orcish military prowess.

During their invasion of Azeroth, it was explained that the Orcs were numberless and had enhanced strength due to Mannoroth’s blood. I don’t know that exact hyperbole, but it was said the demonblood multiplied an Orc’s strength by 10. However, multiplying the strength of nothing by 10 is not impressive at all.

One on One an Orc always had a hard time against a human. Army to army the Orcs usually lose a staggering amount of their soldiers compared to their adversaries. During the first war, the Orcs had the resources of the Blackrock, Bleeding Hollow, and Twilight’s Hammer clans collide with just one human kingdom: Stormwind. They’ve lost every single battle with the humans unless it was overwhelming farmers with pitchforks. It was not until Garona assassinated the king that the Orcs gained the upperhand. They even skirmished with the Jungle Trolls of Stranglethorn and suffered losses so bad the Orchish leadership decided to not invade Troll country.

Second War they managed to overwhelm the Dwarfs in open fields, but the moment they laid siege to a fortified defense the losses of the Horde were ten to one. During their amphibious invasion of Lordaeon, they either lost or stalemated ever recorded battle they’ve partaken in. It was because of their overwhelming numbers that allowed them to continue their mission of besieging Lordaeron. The entirety of the Second War was a game of tag between Doomhammer and Turalyon, from Hillsbrad to Silvermoon, and from Lordaeron to Blackrock Mountain.

So no, the Orcs are not stronger than humans. They are weaker by large margins. If WoW had some semblance of realism, Orcs would be able to ragdoll multiple humans in full plate with a swing of an axe. This is because Orcs are built like bipedal gorillas and gorillas are about 9 times as strong as humans.

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There’s also a big heap of “because Humans are the Good Guys™ and the Good Guys Always WIn!” to this though.

Blizzard does this sort of “because the story says so!” inconsistencies qyite a lot.