How much haste is too much haste?

like the title said…oh and for Unholy specifically. And I wouldn’t mind knowing this answer for Blood as well.

There is no “too much haste” for unholy. Im sitting at 70% unbuffed, 73% with food and only climb from there with the amount of haste procs I have from my mecha rings, gloves with racing pulse 3, vita, dragonscale, Vop, and iris essences.

We dive headfirst into haste because our pets all scale infinity with haste (except skulker from AWS. If you’re constantly hitting 150% haste you need to talent off of AWS and go CS)

As for blood… it’s the same deal but for different reasons. They dive headfirst into twilight deva and dont really care about what stats the item gives (although, mastery is their least favorite and verse is their favorite for obvious reasons)


Have you found that you see better numbers with all expedient corruptions than you would if you swapped some of them out for gushing wounds?

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thank you for your input. I appreciate it!

Fully proc’d with my haste build I’ve seen upwards of 260% to 275% active.
With twilight you can never have too little haste in Blood.
If you need reference I posted a YT video(search Lichkung, pretty simple) showing a few different setups but one actively used in HC raid when in a 30 man(T9 Twilight devastation) pulling steady 900k dps with 22m damage from twilights alone during trash encounter, proc rate was moderate, not the highest I’ve seen but the highest I’ve recorded. It’s in my second video(3 total so far).

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Correct. Gushing wounds got a HUGE nerf and require to be on 485 items to be comparable to expedient but even then, it’s still less dps.

Is all will serve trait still bugged from haste issues? I noticed my archer tries shooting but it looked like he stuck in animation on firing the arrows. And noticed not much damage on details after each encounters when my haste gets to 200%