How much gold will AV mount cost in Classic?

Except none of the vanilla classes exist in retail. Takes a bit of the fun away.


retail classes are a lot better in general than classic classes though. so you get the best of both worlds.

Different, for sure. The two games can barely be compared so calling one version “better” is kind of meaningless. In any case, I disagree, and I greatly prefer the class design of vanilla.

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there is no crusader strike in classic which is a travesty that won’t be corrected until an expansion hits. now it’s seal, judge, seal, autoattack, autoattack, seal, judge, autoattack. :frowning:

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There may as well not be a paladin dps spec in vanilla, so you’re not wrong there. But we have different opinions on that, clearly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:I’m even a classic wow paladin main.

i’ve made like 4 pallies i’ve gotten to level 13 or so that i’ve deleted because i know i’ll never get another decent attack. lol. i was a pally in actual vanilla but i was also terrible and didn’t realize how much better (to me) it would be later. my current pally on my current server is level 6. i may just level him as holy is my friend will help me with dungeons.

I leveled as holy with a friend into the 50s. At 52 I went ret because it was too painful as holy. But yeah, holy all the way for me.

My vanilla main was a priest, so I made one of those too. My retail priest weeps for what once was.

Well, the epic riding training was introduced at (I think) 800g with the discounts, so it’s still 808g. That was how it was in the prepatch, iirc.

my main right now is a priest. i’m still a lowbie though but i think i’ve found the server i wanna stay on at this point. i have 2 level 120 priests in retail. the only thing i really notice is there’s spell ranks and extra utility vs my retail priests. though they’re adding back a ton of utility to retail in the expansion so i guess we’ll see.

I couldn’t speak to retail healing since I haven’t played a healing spec since WoD. And shadow priests were effectively removed from retail in MoP… as far as I’m concerned. Nothing in recent expansions even feel like the same class.

I doubt this very much! I believe some abilities may be added back, especially “flavor” things that are easy to balance. But I don’t expect them to ever recapture what it is to play a WoW priest before Legion, for instance.

disc is very effective but also boring. i love holy personally. and os shadow usually. you like the devouring plague play style then i take it? i think that was pre-MoP. i know when it changed to the void play style that a lot of priests rerolled. it’s effective but not nearly as fun as it used to be. also shadow form looks very different now than how it was. though it’s better than the way it was in legion.

Not particularly. I liked Cataclysm’s “Empowered Shadow” mechanic and I think that was probably the highest point of shadow raiding. Shadow Word: Death by itself was more fun than anything beyond Cata. It might have still existed in MoP but the spec was unrecognizable after that point.

Yeeeeeeah. I did not like shadowform for a long time, including its vanilla/original iteration. But they changed it so much I’d gladly go back to the OG version–or no form at all, something requested for ages and never delivered. Instead they just kept making uglier versions of it as options. lol

On thing that is hugely different between healing classic vs. retail is the relative twitchiness. I started playing in BC originally and learned to heal without any guides or anything, so I didn’t have addons or mouseover macros. A priest healer using heal or greater heal has multiple seconds of cast time, so mouseover macros aren’t really necessary… you aren’t doing rapid target swapping. Retail healing is flash heal spamming with rapid target swapping (holy in mythic+ dungeons). I might make a mouseover for my dispels in classic but that is the only ‘global cooldown spamming’ button.

The whole void form mechanic is super unfriendly for off spec healers doing stuff out in the world. And the major defensive removals (no devouring plague heals, VT heals are laughable, VE heals are still laughable) makes spriests so fragile that you might as well be doing is as a healing spec.

The constant AP grind and the RNG of azerite gear and the spriests being no fun (devouring plague or the mindspike dotweaving both were) and fragile… and healing is a “blink and someone might die”… I log into retail once a month to use a token… :wink:

Not sure if it was mentioned, but I highly doubt the AV mount is that expensive

I was dirt poor in Vanilla and used a 60% mount to rank 11 pvp. By buying the rank 11 UD horse, I learned epic riding skill and was able to buy the frostwolf for cheap after AV rep grind

I am pretty sure the mounts don’t cost much - the riding skill is the costly part

I never had more than 300gb at once but had both rank 11 epic mount and horde AV frost wolf

This is incorrect. It’s 8 gold in patch 1.12.1 (the preBC patch). It’s 640g with discounts in 1.12. Google patch 1.12.1

Yeah you bought the frost howler mount during the preTBC patch when it was 8 gold. Classic however is based on patch 1.12 (640g), not 1.12.1.

The AV rep discount is a given considering you cant buy it w/o the rep in the first place. Rank 3 is almost a certainty, if you grind enough AV in a week to hit exalted, you’ll hit R3 on honor calc. If you weren’t rank 3 already, or can’t wait the few days after grinding exalted, then yes, it will be a bit more than 640g.

I need an epic mount to farm neckbeards on the bridge alldayerryday?

1.11, they didn’t change anything to AV after 1.11, idk why you people keep saying 1.12 AV.

rep items are gone, the other quest items are not.