How much gold for a boost to 1600?

Why don’t you spend your money on something actually useful rather that video game points since you clearly have it all together dude lmao maybe buy some new clothes stupid

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You didn’t make any gold off the raid boom? Sad! That’s what you get spending all that time on arena. I got enough gold to get atleast 4 characters to 1800. I love capitalism.

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I get it for free :smiley:

Yeah I got the same vibe reading this thread. He seems like a nice enough guy, I guess, but yeah, total loser!

Time isn’t free.


Water is wet. Losers pay for people to play a game for them. So what?

Losers play games in general.

I dont understand how that helps your case?

Youre the worst of the worst? That what youre getting at?

Well actually according to luduslabs im in the top 10% pvp players lol and man was it easy getting there.

Top 10% ? That’s like buying box wine and telling everyone you can afford top shelf


Bet that’ll look good on your resume.

grats, you’re old rival now

Nah. Ima spend another 100k gold and go for top 5%. That extra 30 minutes will really pad the resume. Blizzards new pvp is real fresh. They really know how to cater to us casuals. Keep up the good work blizz.

Hahaha LOSER

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This thread has been a greater help then i could have hoped. I never knew rating could be gained so easy 1800 and down. Its sad horde ED is so mad and sweaty. I guess for horde boosts ill just stick to Tich. They seem to love boosting on that server. Good to see alliance couldn’t careless at all though. Clearly i picked the superior faction.

Hahaha LOSER

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In this thread: Classic Kill Order rat proving their guild is :poop:

Did you actually get the boost? Why didn’t you just pvp with your guild. I read kill order does rbgs and arenas.

Sucks to suck man, hey you might like these games, you can probably just buy a boost directly from developers too!

I’ve heard some of those places offer coaching if you’re looking to branch out your skills. But with learning anything or bettering a skill you have to push the limits of your own knowledge. So take chances and experiment to master your class. Ask questions to other players who know it better. Most importantly get in rbgs or arenas the more time you spend in it the better you will get.