How much fun was the mage tower?

“proven wrong” :confused: pat yourself on the back a little harder. No one agreed with the authors of those forum posts. That’s like searching “why food buffs are bad” you find a handful of posts regarding that then being like “seeeeee, EVERYONE is complaining about it” Don’t exaggerate yourself into relevance.

Interesting that prot pally was one of the two I did. Other being holy paladin.

Just either didn’t like or have the gear for the rest. Three thrash relics was needed for Bear, from what I gathered.

I enjoyed it, I feel like Vision Masks are like this Expansions Mage Tower.

Gave you something to stand out, I remember first time I saw a Druid Tank in that awesome bear form and I was like “ Damn he must be good!” And not to mention looked amazing.

Although the masks are nothing in comparison.

Mythic gear for Kruul? Nah. It was doable during Nighthold, with just Normal/Heroic gear. Was even easier after some nerfs and Tomb of Sargeras launched. And was downright trivial once Antorus released.

Admittedly, I did have to use Last Resort and the cheat death trinket off Chromatic Anomaly in Nighthold, but still managed. I do agree some were harder than others though. Guardian without Ecko or Luffa’s was pretty brutal. I finally managed that one by just popping Incarnation and drums and going ham on Variss. Kruul was close but Incarnation came back up towards the end of the fight which saw me through.

I did them all, some made me sad though. Shadow Priest. I tried, and tried, and tried. I hate Surrender to Madness so didn’t want to use that. Finally got tired of it, swapped to Surrender and got it my second attempt trying. Likewise, Affliction was REALLY hard if you didn’t have the ring that made Corruption slow(or if you didn’t know how to cheese proxy ranges to make Karem aggro your Infernal/Voidwalker).

Regardless, while I enjoyed the challenges of some and the collector in me is grateful that I managed them all, I’m still just as clueless about some specs as I was back then. Mistweaver? Totally clueless, I just spammed Essence Font the entire challenge.

All in all though, they were fun. And frustrating. And I got many gray hairs while doing them. :frowning: :open_mouth: :smiley:

Mage tower was pretty alright, my only beefs with it were:

  • Limited time window combo’d with currency required for each attempt.
    Choose one, don’t do both.
  • Unskippable RP in the beginning.
    Not only did you get sick of hearing it after a few attempts, it wasted a lot of time and buff duration.
  • Some mage towers didn’t well represent what their specs do.
    I thought the tank one was particularly bad about this.
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My Protection spec encounter was a DPS encounter. It didn’t have anything to do with actual tanking. In fact, I specced into the heavier DPS talents (and out of survival talents) and used DPS trinkets to get as much DPS as possible.

It was alright. I tried quite a bit of the challenges.

i think it really varied and was reliant on multiple factors. Certain class/specs were more fun and easier than others. Certain challenges didn’t seem as difficult as others.

Like the discipline priest one was by far the most easiest one. I forget what challenge that was as they were shared with other class/specs. That is coming from someone who barely played discipline also.

I felt like the DH Havoc was overall a really fun challenge. So that would be my fav challenge. Maybe a part of it had to do with that spec/class and how fluid/mobile it is but still I wasn’t really dragging my feet to go attempt it. Really enjoyed the challenge overall. I do believe it was due to both factors. Real fun challenge design and easy fun class/spec.

Now there is a reason I am exaggerating on why the spec and class is so important. As I did the twin tower challenge (same challenge) on two different specs and classes. It was such a huge difference.

One so heavily reliant on procs. That I would be losing patience. I wouldn’t feel it would be due to my performance. As I felt I had no control and that was extremely frustrating. Overall I didn’t care much for that challenge anyways as I never been a big fan of kiting in any videogame.

Also the healing challenge I did with with two different classes/specs. The black rook hold one. Another one which I felt hugely relied on what class/spec as some heal specs had a bunch of extra CC. Compared to other ones. Now is that entirely fair? Not really. Still it took me a bit without the extra CC, but I got in on the character I wanted. I honestly felt like the Black rook hold was more difficult than it needed to be. For heals, so much hatred for the heals in this challenge…

Compared to the tank one. Another one heavily reliant on class/spec. I can’t think of how many times I was like I wish I could leap like a warrior or a DH. Or whatever else class that can just instant lunge. (Not speed buff, like actual lunge) It would feel like an instant advantage. For someone who has tanked maybe less than 10 hours in this game. Before attempting the challenge. I was kinda annoyed with it but overall it was a good challenge. I think it was better than Black rook hold that’s for sure.

I did the imp mother the least, maybe 4 attempts? That might not even be accurate. Could’ve been three.

The thing was they could’ve kept Legion going a bit longer. So people could experience and get all those neat looking rewards.

Were the challenges fun? Yes, some more than other ones. I felt like they did a good job designing them. So I did about six different ones. I am not sure if I missed out on a challenge.

The reward of course was the real incentive. Beautiful looking weapons. No reward, no try. Also optional challenge.

Class design definitely played a huge factor in enjoyment for these challengers also.

Edit: Sorry I just had to add it in. The least amount of fun and the burn to these towers. Is that I spent the gold (flasks, food etc) and time. To not be able to wear these rewards when I want to. On the classes I obtained them on. Not spec. Class which I don’t understand why this isn’t fixed yet.

It doesn’t, but I’m happy for you!

None of the MT fights required mythic gear. I did Kruul on every single tank except for Monk/DH and none of my characters were mythic geared, hell most of them weren’t even heroic geared and the only Tank i powered through Kruul on due to overgearing towards the end of the expansion was easily my Druid Tank. Gear definitely helped, but you didn’t need to be geared to the teeth to beat Kruul.

It wasn’t about the fun, tho some were, it’s about the skins and nothing else

I enjoyed some of the class trials but not all of the ones I tried. Some were very much one trial for a certain type, like tanking. Certain tanking specs had an easier time with some of those challenges. Certain legendary items made some challenges easier. I’m happy I got the item appearances I did. I would have liked for it to remain in the game as another fun minigame you could go back and do but with the substantial changes, as someone said, you’d have to create a complete subsystem to convert your character to Legion or redesign the entire Mage Tower scenarios.

Me, at the start of another attempt: Furiously mocking the RP

The RP just served as time to get all of your buffs up again. I remember that buffs were all removed upon entering.

It was a worm that burrowed around and you had to lead it places and keep a DoT up on it.

It was so, so terribly easy. I oneshot it without knowing anything about disc.

Shadow was fantastic with the Surrender to Madness cheese. Kill the boss, keel over right after. SUCCESS!