How much do Tauren weigh?

Dont know, have not bought any off the hoof lately lmao.

400 doesnt seem enough to me. 400 is what id imagine a kul tiran or pandaren to be.

Tauren seem a lot bigger than orcs, yet weigh near the same?


My first thought was 300lbs, the way tauren run, fall dead, I was going by in game physics for my second guess of 220. I would think 400lb would be too far off the mark.

Whenever I play my tauren druid and shaman they seem slow when moving.

Myabe Wowhead is wrong.


400 pounds for a female Tauren perhaps? Not a adult male there closer to 600 if you study there frame and height and muscle layout.


I can bear it. I volunteer as tribute.

About 3 washing machines.

Maybe around 2400 bananas.

2474140 bees.

32790 party balloons.

Give or take.


I think that weight for the human male and their general mass seems quite low. I would add at least another 20lbs

As for tauren, if we have any comparison to RL anatomy:

"Adult bulls may weigh between 500 and 1,000 kg (1,100 and 2,200 lb). "

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I could, but it’d get me banned from the forums.


Enough to feed a family of 7.


Hmm, about 400-500lbs from what I guess ,if their really big(very rarely) close to a thousand ,why do you ask? You’re not making a BBQ are you and not inviting. :slightly_frowning_face:

In fairness, it’s just pulling from the Warcraft Roleplaying Game rules for its weight table (note that you do need to read the text, the table itself is laid out in a way that doesn’t make sense without context from the text).


And, yes, yes, it’s non-canon, but for a lot of nitty gritty stuff like this that doesn’t matter to non-roleplayers, it’s the last “relevant” data we have.

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4’10" -120lbs?? for a male human that is skinny.omg.

32oz of flavor goodness

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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I see. Well that is very silly. For all their muscle mass to weigh that much they’d be like 5 feet tall.

That’s the minimum/base. You’re meant to roll for the height mod, then roll for the weight mod, multiply those together, and add the total to the base weight.

I do agree FWIW, its just that this is the only time Blizzard actually gave any reference at all for weight so that’s why the website uses it.

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We only cook elves in this game. Mostly as they come with an easy firepit they call home.

Tauren are big guys so I think the weight should be more. They are from what I gather 6 or more tall husky bodied plus furry. Unless their mostly fur, I doubt that.

At lest my weight not known :smiling_imp:

You can estimate based on similar races tho. Take Male Troll and make the mods a d8 instead of d6 or something, Ends up being like 6’ 9" / 250# average. Maybe slap on like 20lbs for the wings?

That’s 0 research though. If they’re like 10ft or something nevermind lmao