i’d play classic+
and tbc fresh/no boosts.
Does a fresh classic that everyone is talking about mean that it’d stop after Nax release? So just P1-P6 then it’s end of life?
I’m definitely down. Classic was super fun and I’m ready to GO AGAIN! <3
I will. Might be more of a tourist but Im playing.
I’ll play classic +, but not seasonal lol; Classic wow is not diablo or retail.
If they do make a fresh server with little to no changes the game will not flourish. People quit the game for a reason, so why repeat history? Personally, if they do classic + I’d like to see the honor system get rehauled, it’s brain dead and quite frankly trash. I would love to see the implementation of rbgs because it would get premades out of normal bgs, it would also incentivize skill over time played lol. Back in the day it was cool to see people with r14. Now you see someone with r14 and just say “wow this guy plays the game like it’s a job.”
No way in hell. Classic turned out to be a joke.
The only way i would ever do classic again is if they actually attempt to give most players what they wanted. A classic experience. Vanilla was an easy game, I get that. But because of the age group of most players and the player base poor abilities, it made vanilla a lot more challenging. That is what we wanted. It didn’t happen.
In other words, if i could experience what i did in vanilla, then yeah probably, but i am not interested in experiencing what i did in classic. No thanks.
that would be some major changes. It would start with updated graphics. I was more than happy to waste my 2020 pc with 4k card and monitor on classic. if it would have delivered the experience. But not again. Blizz is not getting my money again with no cost input on their end. New graphics and animations are needed.
Then it needs to get back to being a challenge. that starts with tanks need to be forced to wear shields or they die. Not even a debate there. And this is their chance to fix the palidan easy mode tanking we see in tbc classic right now also. Make tanking fun again. I don’t care if they make palidan tanks vialble in classic +, just don’t make them easy mode. And do NOT make warriors easy mode like palidans as the compromise.
Also, the one thing that i guess never bothered me but was a big turn off for a lot of players and that is there better be a way for groups to easily form. I don’t care what it is. But i don’t want to ever have to read " LF tank please any tank, we will pay you" . And there i am switched in pvp spec and not going to pay a stupid, dumb, retarded, game design of “specs are supposed to mean something” BS.
Yeah, I guess im confident that won’t happen so ill be passing on classic +. They can’t do that stuff to fix what is already there in TBC. They let the same stupid decisions play out and watch the players unsub day after day. I am not even going to waste my time daydreaming about it. I just consider it as not happening and therefore i won’t be there. hope everyone that likes the way it was enjoys it though. I really do. Cause i would do tbc as it is over and over and over. even though i believe they can improve it right now and wish they would.
and one more thing that i don’t know if would be able to get over. They allowed a broke Alterac Valley to go on and on for almost 2 years and did nothing. the same type of issues are going on in TBC and they do nothing. No dual spec to at least help with tank shortages. They try to solve horde bg ques by making them play against each other. Yeah the more i think about it, i don’t care if the game has flaws. But they don’t seem to care and i am already planning to ride out tbc then quit. I don’t think ill let them sucker me again. So pretty sure that is a no. Not interested. they have a classic game right now, tbc. when i see a change that helps out and shows they are capable, then i would re look at it. But am sure they won’t. I have no reason to believe they will and history to show me they won’t.
not me also. i love naxx and dont care for another year of blackrock mountain.
Only if they rebalanced classes, raids, dungeons, item stats, racials, and the pvp system, and made it a shorter (12 month?) 6 phase cycle. I want a brand new meta.
If they release the same thing with just chronoboon, hell no.
If they release what I suggested plus more micro transactions/boosts, hell no.
Uhhh, TBC is still fresh bud. Plenty of time to join and you won’t miss out on anything.
there is going to be 4 versions anyways when wotlk classic releases (and maybe even cata classic and every other expac that blizz considers to release on classic mode just to stack micro-transactions across servers).
vanilla wow is a game on its own. if you delete wbuffs change the gear, consumables & stats values for raids after ZG you can easily get away with a phase 7, phase 8 and phase 9.
most of the stats in vanilla are given by wbuffs and consumables (and gear obviously).
Your thread title does not match your OP.
Id sign on for a fresh server in a new york minute if I knew I could get a couple of years of regular play on it with a stable population. Other boxes I would need checked off are: somewhat balanced faction wise, BGs with reasonable queue times and exploiting held to a minimum.
Since I have zero faith in any of that happening Im just going to stick to the Era realms.
I never got to play through Blackwing lair or AQ, or Naxxaramas, and the tier sets for those were all so interesting compared to the TBC ones. I still want to do it, so I’d be there in a flash.
Back then people were account sharing so it was still time over skill. The vanilla Era rank system has always been broken.
This time around u couldn’t account share so servers paid for people to increase the pool size.
RBGs is a retail feature and would require enough people to support doing premades while still having enough for those that wanted to pug. They would also have to create two ranking tables 1 for RBGs and 1 for the normal bgs.
I’m in favor of changing the system but honestly the best way is bring back the original av and no cross server bgs. Make it the server only.
Not in its original Vanilla state, no. The Vanilla game was too broken for a lot of classes/specs that I liked to play & the gear itemization was dreadful to make matters even worse. Also, certain meta-specs & zeal for world buffs also ruined the experience.
I’ll be there on Fresh day one.
Man I love you rated PvP but here is the sad truth; most people don’t.
Additionally adding rating cutoffs is proven now in both retail and tbc to drive players away from rated PvP.
How to do PvP gear? Make the blue set obtainable via Quests and stuff in BG, and the Epic PvP set simply require some more depth to similar quests and accomplishments (not actual achievements) but just quests that will take some time to complete so that the feeling of accomplishment is there.
As for BG they should be fun, and only fun. Attaching rating will kill that for a lot of players. Also dividing the players between rated and not rated does not help.
How would you do these quests?
I don’t think the current itteration is very fun for casual players. 9/10 bgs are premades lol.
Oh absolutely agreed, full premades drive the casuals away and sadly the community now days isn’t really a community of friends doing big groups but “looking for big pumpers” kinda premades who also expect full consumes.
How to fix that?
Implement the strictest of Arena rules where most of the crap that is common to use in BG simply doesn’t work; that leaves it intact for world PvP where it belongs.
As for PvP quests, man that’s hard because I am bad at making PvE stuff and that’s kinda what all quests are even if it’s integrated into PvP. Seriously making PvE is the hardest. It’s why so many companies don’t include PvE solo players content anymore; because PvP is EZ.
Off the top of my head it could be something so simple like a checklist of objectives to complete and do; perhaps make them into a certain order that they need to be done but have that order different for every player and RNG generated so that pre-planning and group organizing is harder slowing progress.
Sounds mean I know, but its required to break speed clearing organization. Remember it’s supposed to be designed to casuals and soon as the process is made automated it’s no longer for casuals.
PvP gear and PvE gear.
Stamina should be king.
Armor class should not scale out of control (Vanilla /tbc are problematic here)
Bonus healing and spell damage need to be unique stats and never shared so that healing is only ever healing and damage only ever damage. Healing should also never be double the value of damage; that’s always been a stupid design.
I’m raid logged in classic era,waiting for blizzard to release fresh classic.