How Many More

How many more button presses should Blizzard add to the opening?

Outbreak/Unholy Blight
Raise Abom
Festering Strike
Festering Strike
Abom Limb
Dark Transform
Unholy Assault


Yeah and the best thing is, you unleash all those buttons correctly and you’re still going to get out damaged by a Ret with Wings.

Every single button press on a DK feels bad.


its okay they lowered its cooldowns, whupteedoo, id rather them just gut over half of them so it doesnt feel so jank to play.

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also bring back necrotic plague already, give unholy a dot spec again, enough of this minion garbage :smirk:


Raise Abom replaces army, and we can talent out of Gargoyle so that shaves it down a bit.

yeah i did see the raise abom replacing it which is nice, its little buggy on the talent calc on wowhead atm since its not choice node??? which is kinda dumb because now you need to waste 2 points instead of just 1, so if you do decide to take abom the node right above it being army is a dead point.

I suppose the intent is for Raise Abom to be stronger than Army, seeing as you have to invest two points into getting it.

Like if it deals the same amount of damage as Army but on a 90 second cooldown that’s pretty damn strong. If it doesn’t do that, it should!

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i agree, in before its weaker all around and costs 1 extra talent :joy:

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They arent listening, it’s apparent.

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Unlike the PvP talent tooltip, I don’t see the new Raise Abom stating it replaces Army; and it is not a choice node with Army.

in before it was just an error on the notes and its another button for us to press :joy:


The alpha notes state that it replaces Army and people in alpha have said it replaces army.

Patch notes:

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Its a decent start, Festermight working like Iron fur is a massive god send, Raise Abom could be really cool, especially if its moved to be a choice node with Army, giving unholy a choice between 3minute burst or 1:30 minute burst. Sudden Doom feeling more impactful will be nice, and not having to spec into Gargoyle is a godsend for people who don’t like all their dmg being tied to one CD but still like Unholy. However, it still has a ways to go, the whole tree is a mess right now in terms of pathing, having to take Unholy Blight, Ruptured Viscera, and or Bursting Sores is not gonna be fun for ST, and having to take Coil of Devesation for AoE won’t be fun either. The multiple 2 point nodes are extremely annoying, especially the Improved Festering Strike and Runic Mastery. Improved Death Coil and Ghoulish Frenzy are no where near powerful enough to warrant two points, and them being located where they are.

I also don’t see much in terms of reducing CD and Button bloat, no CDs were pruned or toned down, we just got an option to not take Gary, which probably will not happen unless Doomed Bidding is tuned insanely high for ST. I would like to see Apoc and DT combined into one CD, they do similar things and could be easily combined into one CD, I would like to see Defile just be removed, I hate playing around it and DnD. Vile Contagion should be baseline if they are so determined to keep Wounds. There also just needs to be a major pruning of talents, there are so many that just don’t do anything and have no impact.

As I said, decent start, but still has a ways to go.


Since they made Army a 3 min cooldown, they might as well merge the damage from Apocalypse into Army (or something sustain like Scourge Strike), and get rid of Apocalypse completely. Army and Apocalypse have always been somewhat redundant. If they do that, and have Festering Strike and Unholy Assault drop D&D, then Unholy will be in decent shape.

So, all they need to do is just remove the Apocalypse node and replace it with a node that does the following: Festering Strike and Unholy Assault drops D&D. Simple. With the added bonus that Festering Strike will feel a little bit better to press.

It would streamline the opening a lot:

Dark Transform
Festering Strike / Unholy Assault - Both drops D&D

No Festering for Apoc, no need to manually drop D&D.