How many guilds are recruiting?

So many smaller groups of friends making their own guilds and trying to recruit more people.

I say, there should be a guild alliance on Mankrik with all of the smaller guilds working with each other to pvp or raid.

I agree. At this stage I want to build up my guild roster to be more effective. But I’ve seen the viability of an SGA (small guild alliance) and would be a willing participant in such a scheme. and I am just DYING to reenact my crowning PVP achievement from vanilla. So, keep that idea firmly planted. Let’s meander our way to 60, start getting prepared, and then organize.

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Nerds of Prey would actually enjoy doing this as well. We’d prefer to see a merger into one guild for more control - but we’d love to see this happen as we start getting ready for MC and hitting 60 :slight_smile: