How many days left on your subscription?

Yeah. I am too, so I err on the side of automating my continuing rather than automating my opting out.

I suppose that’s a reasonably significant difference, and my claim that “Meh. It’s the same thing.” could easily be argued to be false based on that. :wink:

2 months left, not auto renewing. The decision was already made before the latest AV/instance changes, so they really weren’t a factor. They are just the newest insults in a long line of retarded decisions from this staff.

I will be back for BC and LK though.

I still got like 95 days left, I bought two game cards(as they were the last two at the store and they’re no longer getting more). Would like to stay until sunwell(in it for the long haul) but each passing day I doubt that I’ll do it more and more.