How long have you been waiting?

To go back to Vanilla? When did you realize you wanted to go back?

Me? The launch of TBC. Don’t get me wrong I played through Wrath but every expansion I played less and less until I just began touring them around Cata.

TBC killed the vibe for me. I created so many good memories in the end zones of Vanilla that once I left it felt like I wasn’t home anymore.


Been waiting since about 2 weeks into Cata, but frankly never thought it was gonna happen. Further confirm that it was not just rose colored glasses came when I started playing on Elysium about 2-3 years ago when it first went live. Yep, it was as good as I remembered and thats considering that that place had some horrid bugs and a very light pre-60 pvp scene. So yeah, been a while and I actually know that its just as good as ppl remember

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since cataclysm.


Catalysm made me feel a little bit, but at the time I was open minded, I still am kinda, but by MOP I was well into longing for the old philosophies of WoW design.

I think current WoW has a lot of potential to win me back, as long as they take a step back and work off old formula from the ground up again.

Ever since Cata. I hated Cata and I hated what it did to the whole game. It wasn’t just that it simplified the talents and classes or revamped all the questing zones… It changed the entire tone of the game. Tons of quests in newbie zones were riddled with pop culture references (Westfall and it’s Horatio Laine character, for instanced). It made the game feel like a fantasy golf course and not a living, breathing world.


Since the day cata launched. Destroying the old world was a huge mistake.


Cata. I’m seeing a trend here.

Been waiting ever since. Not much longer now.


Since the end of Legion

Wod. I thought I wouldn’t like vanilla at all because when I played as a kid I thought WoW was meh, but then Nost came out, my friends all talked about this new server coming (which to me was weird because none of us ever played on one before).

It was honestly the most fun I’ve ever had in WoW.


I started the game in late MoP. Before then, I didn’t realize that Cataclysm had remade most of the game world. Once I learned about that massive change, I became curious to see what the world was like before then. I’ve never played Vanilla/Classic in any form.

Since BC launch. That expansion is a tough one for me because I really had a great time with the Dungeons and Raids and we had great times as a guild. In BC we go from the epic Azeroth to some busted up trashy planet with brown orcs and goat people… mkay whatever man.

Wrath had a good story, but the PVE outside of Ulduar was not something I really enjoyed. However I knew like a gut feeling that the game was ruined.

If you remember a boat load of players thought they had become elite players overnight. Naxx 10/25 convinced a lot of bads that they were finally good and they got attitudes about it which I don’t even understand. Ulduar shut those people up real quick. Even more so when a few guilds cleared the entire thing in iLevel 200 blues to prove a point.

By the end of Wrath it was clear that we are playing the patch, and not the expansion. As soon as Cataclysm launched I left. That much retcon/reskinning really pissed me off. Interesting but to be expected so many other people felt the same.


I’ll join the Cata crowd on this one. Never thought I would have the opportunity of going back to the roots of WoW. But by the announcement, I was so hyped my wife thought I was about to get a seizure :rofl:


Definitely Cata for me, when they destroyed the world and I HAD to go to pservers to see it again.

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I didn’t think of the possibility until I played on a PS.
I stopped playing on the expansion after pandaria.
I logged in to the prepatch and backed out of everything.
When the rogue was able to save combo points without a skill
was too much.
Leveling 10 levels was way too quick in Pandaria… TBC took way longer
The interests in Wraith was solid still.
Cata was great prenerf I enjoyed the mechanics it brought to 5mans.
They really did a good set of dungeons if they would have kept the difficulty
I wouldn’t have scoffed and started to slip.

The prepatch to what ever after pandaria was the straw. I did stop playing
after I got a whole bunch of toons to 90. Still it wasn’t the type of game
I enjoyed.

I’m in it for the grind… not the finish. (the raids is just the gathering of friends)

Never, still don’t. If anything i might play one toon for some nostalgia and laughs but that would be about it, too much to do on live.

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The Cataclysm Update where all my beautiful Vanilla content was literally SCORCHED from the world. I left a month or 2 in.


Since Wrath.

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Biggest rofl of the year thanks

Since right before Cata dropped.



Not gonna lie, up until Nost i didn’t have one bit of idea that I would ever want to go back. Wrath sure, TBC, yeah, but Vanilla? Nah.

After playing it I realized just how little that QoL stuff mattered and just how much of the game it had stripped away.

I had always been on board with the idea of a legacy server, just never thought it would be something I would want to go back to.