How long does progression usually take?

Yes. I’m posting on my vanilla character.

Tears of Draenor at the time, though I had an alt in Lucid Dream, which eventually became Lucid Nightmare, which eventually became Succession, which eventually became Lucid Nightmare again. (Also, a brief interlude in Space Unicorns In Space.)

How far did you make it in Naxx40? While I know that nobody on Ysera (my server since Vanilla) cleared it before TBC, I’m also pretty sure that nobody on Earthen Ring did either.

I never entered it.

But I was attuned, which is what I was talking about.

edit: Actually, that’s not true, I forgot I did Rasuvious once on my Alliance paladin. That was pretty much just 100% me getting carried by friends, though.

We didn’t make it far. Somebody always killed Bigglesworth. ALWAYS.

edit: I’m pretty sure we got Resuvious down as well, but when TBC dropped, I bailed on Alliance and went BElf Warlock, so my recollection is fuzzy.

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Well the mechanics are stupidly easy, but what many forget about early WoW was the lack of utility players had as well, and how gear wasn’t free.

I definitely agree that an experienced raider won’t have any mental issues…it’ll all be character limitations at the start.

I’ll try to answer your question, op. I raided in a number of guilds during vanilla of various degrees of skill. From memory I joined a casual guild that started in zg… The group was all fairly inexperienced and we cleared zg after about 3 weeks of trying each reset.

When I moved onto a hardcore guild that was formed by a number of smaller guilds grouping together, we were downing about boss a week on average in naxx until we hit some walls. Patchwerk took us a few weeks. C’thun in AQ was about the same. Thaddius was over a month before we got close but never downed it. In terms of hours we raided 5-6 days a week… Around 5-8 hours at a time.

Each raid group is different and will progress differently depending on experience, skill and gear. Some will cleave through content and others will crash against the wall repeatedly until the guild breaks apart.

He’s also misremembering. Golemagg is the only tank 'n spank fight in MC, and still required more than shadow bolt spam to take down. The tank needed a lot of fire resist, and the off tanks needed to keep the dogs and Ragers away from him or they’d be buffed. Otherwise, it was the free loot intermission after Garr, Baron Geddon, and Shazzrah. For casters, the dream was the spellsword (edit:mageblade). And the tier body, of course.

Ah yes, Golemagg…took myself and another healer just to keep a single off-tank alive. I wasn’t very geared myself.

I think it’s easy to underestimate vanilla raids, but it’s also fair to say that top guilds in retail would do many of them quite easily once they had the proper resists and such.

Yeah, definitely. It won’t quite be the “every raid will be cleared on the first lockout” that I hear the Wrath babies who learned to play afterwards blabbering on about though.

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