So everyone else’s answer varies but I geared my DK in about 2 resets granted I dropped a bit of gold. I’m still behind on cloak levels but I was able to go from 440>470 ilv in that time period and picked up 7 gushings. Honestly it was a lot of play time and gold invested but if we’re talking not having gold or any connections for help it’ll take you quite some time. Also depends on what corruptions you need. If you’re just starting now you’ll be severely out of luck considering the cycle of gush/vers/haste amps are within this week. So it’ll be like at least 3-5 weeks of being at a big disadvantage even if you caught up in gear.
Everyone said how [your post contains a word that is not allowed] horrible it will be to get geared enough for success.
I logged on a 450 alt spriest with green essences and started doing yolo 2s, and it is surprisingly more fun than i expected.
I just make an LFG with something like “garbage sp LF queues just for fun” and I get people of varying ilvls and experience coming along on the garbage barge with me.
Literally not caring about the end result has made the games so much better.
You lose a handful of games, get in the deep rat leagues, and by god man there are some players there that’ll really make you feel like you’re good.
Back in S1 JD and I discovered that if you lose enough Blizzard has bots (like the comp stomp ones) they send in to lose to you.
All part of trying to keep you playing, by giving you the win right before you’d quit.
But outside of that, gearing to try and find success sucks. Horribly. Thus my yolo 2s.
If you are playing by yourself, then it will take a very long time and as mentioned, a couple months.
However, if you have a buddy that you do arenas with and just have fun by doing them and don’t mind being in the 1500ish range or 1800 if you guys are really good, then it won’t take long at all. I play with two friends and after a couple weeks of casual play we are in the 1500 bracket with 445-455 ilvl and we have fun playing. Although, it does suck when you are sitting at 390-420k hp fighting a full team of players 560k+ hp with a bunch of versatility. Despite that, we still have a blast doing them.