How is this fun for Horde?

How is it fun to just sit in Black Rock Mountain for 6 hours killing people who are half health? Alliance are so far behind just trying to quest and do dungeons/raids, and there’s 50 horde at ALL of our flightpaths, in dungeons, in EPL/WPL. One guy killed me 12 times. I wasn’t even worth Honor to him, and I didn’t fight back (since I’m full resto). Is this fun just shooting fish in a barrel?


Water restrictions are in effect in Durotar, so we’ve gone to tears for our lawns. Thrall doesn’t let us water during drought season.


Yea they are literally gonna make all the alliance quit so theres no more alliance to kill lmao. Then they are gonna have to open AQ by themselves. Good luck with that

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I’ve already started making alts on a different server. Until Blizzard does something about this, there’s no real point for me to stay on Benediction.

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Blizzard isnt going to do anything. Its a pvp server. If the horde want to be complete cancer on this server they can be. Sucks for the community but it is what it is.

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Alright. Benediction belongs to Ouro now, goodluck Horde.

Considering we are the most balanced PVP server right now maybe PVP isn’t for you.


I wouldn’t say balanced, when 20% of the alliance only PvP and the rest don’t do s*it.

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It’s not necessarily fun shooting fish in a barrel but making you cry is pretty satisfying.


I bet you’re like that to your family.

As an horde trying to farm honor, it is not fun, and i feel bad for alliance. I thougth this server was 50/50 or very close to it, but it is not fairly balanced at all. All i see everywhere on the maps are bunch of hordes zerging every zone. EPL, BRM, Chillwind Point, name it, in every single zone hordes are outnumbering alliance. I like getting HKs just like the next guy, but i like even more when theres a fair fight leading to it… I’d rather lose 50% of my fights than win 100% by being 10 vs 1. The only zone where i find this kind of odds is when i follow my stealth friends to Menethil Harbor and i try to help them kill people with guards on my bum, and more often getting outnumbered or rekt by people way more geared (because all kind of players go to Menethil, even the super ultra geared ones)


Please cry some more. History really does repeat. I remember alliance whining during classic too and basically rejoicing when bgs came out ahahaha

Would love to see you in their shoes.

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Were the most even server. If I was in their shoes I would utilize tactics like I’ve seen many of their good and hardcore pvpers do. There legit while leveling pre honor were multiple allies that just sat there as we wrecked them. Even made a joke “man they’re gonna leave the server if we don’t slow down”. Now honor is out and you have a bunch of pvers on a PvP server claiming “unfair” on one of the most balanced server. That’s like me going to rust and crying when my loot and resources get ganked. That’s legit what makes these games exciting.

I live it every day trying to level, but that’s why I roll on PvP servers.

At least theres someone out there on the horde side that understand that griefing and camping isnt pvp. Cudos to you sir

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You want us to throw down the gauntlet and give you a back massage before the duel? Maybe cook you a nice pasta dinner the night before?

Us horde cant do anything, Blizzard needs to find a way to balance the faction ratios. I dont believe ONE BIT that it is well balanced in here. Every single zone in the whole world is stampeded by hordes right now. And seeing hordes laugh and blast alliances that are completely unable to play the game right now is so infantile and devoid of any logic or empathy. Lets be mature and objective about it. It is objectively GARBAGE right now to be an alliance on this server and most of the other servers. Is it because they are soft and weak or bad at PVP ? Nah, they get zerged everywhere they go because from what i can see, the ratio seems to be 75/25 in favor of horde, i dont believe any of these results posted on WowHead or whatever source, i have eyes to see and i am roaming all the corners of Azeroth and anywhere i go, its all hordes only.

And before one of you infantile over-confident gangban*ing hordes start claiming that i speak like someone who should’nt be on a PVP server. I PVP and gank alliances as much as the next guy.

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yea i believe the reason the alliance stay in IF and SW unless its to raid or dungeon is because when they leave to do other things alliance just gets zerged by 1000s of horde all over the world. Even when we try to raid or dungeon we get zerged. so why even try? Like i said all the horde is doing is hurting themselves in the long run. GL opening the gates of AQ by yourselves. Yall gonna miss a whole phase of raid content if yall keep up.

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Honestly, lets not be too dramatic about it though, there is NO way blizzard will let this go. I believe we will see BGs coming out very soon, if not before the end of the month.

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