How is it Druids Thorns do more damage then my Mortal Strike?

Because it’s incredibly easy to see when the druid has thorns up? Dunno.

That has nothing to do with my point.

Yes, but they can also come here and whine about our god class that is impossible to kill, right? Sure I love it when players don’t know and whack themselves dead while I laugh in bear form while stunned, but no, no no no no no, Blizzard cannot cave into peoples demands just because they don’t know how to play, it’s how the game gets ruined.

Yes we are far from balanced, but if you start nerfing stuff because YOU (not you I am replying to) cannot handle it, what happens when someone already knows how to counter? We’re all going to be stuffed and balance will be worse.

Your whole post has no point, you simply have no idea how to counter thorns.

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Thats not true at all, my post is about how much damage thorns does. My CCs were on cd I had one option left. Just because you don’t like my post or disagree with it doesn’t make it false.

If you don’t hit the druid, thorns does no damage, I am sure we all told you this multiple times already right? But, if you went say duel wield 1 handed fury spec and had a lot of haste plus bloodlust, than you could potentially whack the druid 30 times in 12 seconds overall from your spells and your auto attack, than it would do 60K damage, but that is your own fault for trying to whack them when thorns is up.

The amount of damage thorns does is in direct proportion to how much YOU hit them. It does not reflect damage, it simply hits for X flat damage for each hit they take, that is all. If you cannot CC, than tough, stop hitting them and you take no damage.

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You didn’t read the thread the Druid was capping a node. I needed to stop him from doing so.

Well too bad, I can argue that when you use Die by the Sword and Bladstorm as a defense mechanism it’s too strong of a combination, when you pop both those you take no damage from physical attacks and cannot be CC’d.

So if you were to do that while defending a flag against every other physical class and spec combination you would be unstoppable and that could just be enough of a turning point in a game to win the match. Would it be fair than that I should come to the forums and whine?

I’ve seen it enough times happen in arena, warrior pops their defenses and Bladestorm, it’s why I swapped from feral to balance because there are too many arms warriors in arena and I could not kill them or survive long enough before they killed me. But no, I did not come here to complain, I found a way around it, and you should too.

Like how you save your charge and kick for when the balance druid convokes, save one of your CC for when the druid uses thorns, don’t just pop all your CC early, use it wisely, every other person in this game is in the same situation, we all need to learn when to use our spells and who the priority target is for them.

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Thats would be a just complaint.

We use BS to either survive a burst window, or pressure +1 players into using defensives, sometimes we use it just to get out of roots if Avatar is on cd and we don’t wanna waste our trinket.

I have never ever been in range to kick a Druids convoke unless is a Feral and thats still trinket into Strombolt seconds being hit.

Oh like complaining about how the attacks you do to the druid are killing you?

Oh really? BS, Avatar and trinket to get out of CC? That’s a little OP to have 3 things you can use in effectively every arena and BG team fight you are in to help you survive, not many classes have 3 CC immunities. Can I complain about that and ask for Blizzard to nerf arms warriors so I can CC them easier and win more?

Than you really have no idea how to play. I went into one arena match the other day, rated, it was myself in balance spec with a hunter against an arms warrior and shadow priest.

I also have the addon that tells me the range I am from each enemy and made sure I was about 50 yards from the warrior and had them out of LOS, popped solar beam and convoke on the priest, 2 seconds later the warrior who was out of range and LOS was now on top of me kicking my convoke because they were ready for it and played smart.

They jumped as far as they could, intervened the priest and charged into me within that 2 seconds and stopped me killing their priest. And it’s super easy to do, setup the right cast sequence and focus macro and all you need to do is than aim your mouse to the spot you want to jump, mash your button and bamn, no more convoke. But you know this right? Like how you know not to hit a druid who has thorns on them?

I didn’t say that? I said I was hitting the bear for 1500 mortal strike and I was being hit for 3400! Thats ridiculous!

We use these things to get out of what Druids can for free.

Thats just ignorant, and at this point ad hominem, if you have a counter argument or played with me and have something I did I could do better than please tell me so.

Using the get good, you;re bad is just Sincere ignorance. Have a nice day Sir!

SO…you had no counter and just kept depleting your health bar? def a smart choice.

You know, every caster class have tools to peel melee. Thorns is purgable.

Lets suppose they remove thorns, or make it deal less dmg; enough you don`t care hiting the druid.
What do you suggest a druid do when he gets jumped?

And getting wrecked by thorns helped?

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Your entire post is complaining about how the druids thorns was hitting you. 3400 would be against a duellist geared druid, at 211 iLVL my thorns only does 2064 damage for each attack I take. STOP HITTING THE DRUID!

Sure we cannot be polymorphed, and sure we can shapeshift to remove soft CC, but we have to shapeshift to begin with, meaning if we are tank or feral spec we have to go out of our spec and if we are tank than we take a chunk of damage just to do that. Plus we have no way outside of our trinket to remove hard CC, like cyclone or stuns or any other hard CC other classes have like fears, frost DK stuns and so on.

Step 1, click the person who is giving you trouble, say the balance druid.

Step 2, type /focus

Step 3, use this macro:

/target focus
/castsequence Heroic Leap, Charge
/cast Spell Reflection
/cast Pummel

Than just save one charge, your heroic leap and interrupt specifically for the druid.

What this does is puts up a spell reflect that will reflect more than one of the druids convoke casts, this may be a bug, or due to convoke casting 4 spells per second it might take 4 spells to be reflected, or it could simply reflect the entire convoke since it’s technically one spell, I don’t know the exact. But I do know casting spell reflect when the druid hits convoke does save some damage from hitting you.

Than if you aim close to the druid you leap near them, charge to them, and kick them. Easy way to interrupt convoke on a balance druid as a warrior.