How is Horde RP on Moonguard?

Hello, my lovelies!

So, long story short, I am coming back from a decent hiatus. Normally, I would use WrA for my Horde characters and Moon guard for my Alliance RP characters. But it got me wondering, is there any Horde RP on MG? And if there is, is it any good and abundant?

Just being a curious bean, and depending on feedbacks, I might try it out!

there is rp, but it’s most guild and some events because it’s close knit like so unless you go digging and hunting you won’t find too much rp in the wild. wra is better for more selection because of the pop, even alliance has a good handful of them so for a good balance of both just go with wra. we may get a tiny burst from the new faction stuff coming tuesday but i don’t think it’ll really boom mg horde side.

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Alright thank you <3

The RP community is small but the quality of RP is really good! I love the community and don’t regret xferring from WRA! I would join the Coalition and Horde Vanguard discord servers! :purple_heart:

Ohhhh I’ll check that out, definitely!

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As an Alliance on WrA, I can say that the MG Horde RP experience is great.

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For Horde faction loyal rp the place to go is The Horde Vanguard:

A lot of the Horde community is out at Conquest this week, enjoying some D20 rp. Here is a screenshot of the ride-out march, well over a raid in size. There is an active community, it’s just a lot of us do not sitting around in Org. Let’s face it, Org is now where near as nice for walk-up rp as Stormwind is.

That said, the Horde Vangaurd offers active monthly rp and more that is open to the community to attend. There are largescale monthly rp events like the Lordaeron Night Market and more.


TBH, I rarely do walk-ups because I’m too shy and find that I thrive much more in smaller groups and personal stories, being a paragraph roleplayer and all. So this might actually be more fitting for my needs and stuff. I joined the discord server tonight, and even joined the voice chat, albeit quietly for a bit :'D I think you were there too! Everyone seems rather nice! I’m just waiting on my paycheck to resub but this might be something i’m gonna look into, if i’m honest!


Speaking as someone who has had a hard time sticking with WoW over the years, being MG Horde has been THE best experience I’ve had in WoW and one of the best overall RP experiences in general. We need more Zugs! There’s never too many Horde!


I highly recommend the following group! - Super friendly! Events coming up soon. Very welcoming community, and also neutral faction friendly!