How healing feels in SS in a nutshell

It’s just a game of cc target dummy…

Why NOBODY Wants To Heal In Dragonflight PvP… - YouTube


everyone is aware how awful it is to heal. Blizzard is aware, they will not be changing it.

Not true. Someone could say the healing meta feels like workplace harassment.


well they dont exactly have a winning track record with solving that either… lol

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cc is honestly so mild compared to how things were in previous xpacs, especially mop

anyone who has been healing for years now is unfazed by the cc chains venruki dealt with in that vid



”dDude l can’t play my character this is why nobody wants to heal in pvp”

Don’t get me wrong sub rogue is broken beyond belief but it is kinda funny how he is using that particular match to paint a certain picture

It’s awful to heal shuffle because it’s just an uncoordinated rng team death match lobby that ramps to super high damp insta

Healing regular 3s where you and your teammates are on the same page is actually fun

how are they going to get DPS not to break cc, not to overlap defenses and not to overextend?

ss should be 4s with no healers until 1400 at least. Healers starting and having a floor of 1400 would probably make more people try them out, since the grind to 1800 for elite sets would be relatively quick.
You don’t really deserve to have someone make up for your mistakes if you can’t at least break 1400 and even then you could argue your first 5 games in each bracket deserve to be dropped back to 4s so the game can test if you’re actually a team player.

Incoming from all the glad players saying its a you problem, and cc is fine…

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Sub rogue and demo warlock CC is OP broken
Cyclones should prob be a half second shorter too

Other than those 3 outliers CC is actually fine.

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from one of the comments

ven sat 89 sec of cc in a 244 sec game, or about 36%

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Healing is a girl’s job anyway. Real men fight.

Cyclone should be 4 seconds → 4, 2, 1 with DR’s.

Didn’t watch the video but healers in shuffle are absolutely CC target dummies most of the time. i get excited if a team starts to focus me :smiley:

The reason is because it’s the easiest form of coordination for random people to do. It’s simple and it works to just rotate CCs and interrupts on the healer.

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that was a regular game? the game wasn’t over when the rogue died… the lock had to die as well u see that ? so…

I’m can see that my friend.

My post had nothing to do with his game being a solo shuff or not I was talking about in general

If I paid for a game and was then told that I couldn’t play almost 40% of the time I’d ask for a refund.


ur playing 100% of the time though?!!?

If I can’t move or act am I really playing? No, I’m just looking at the screen

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no no ur definitely playing