How has the effect of PvP flagging in RDF not been fixed?

It is a bug that hasnt existed before. It occors almost every dungeon and even makes build in custom mechanics like UP/UK not work at all at times.

While players potentially have a workaround, in eu not everyone speaks English comfortably. Therefore, its not always possible to explain to them what they have to do and why its necessary.

Ultimately its a bug newly created by Bliizard that has neither existed last patch, nor in the original version of the game. It is 100% Blizzards fault and responsibilty to address this issue as soon as possible.


Blizzard can’t be bothered to make a change that would take maybe 5 minutes in the game code to do. This code already exists when you use a flight path btw.


Yes, ESPECIALLY on PvP realms. Because this is pre-Cataclysm, flight paths have to stay low to the ground in order not to show the world as broken. If you want to see this effect, you still can even in Retail by getting on top of the hills to the East of Silvermoon and overlook the city. So, since the flights have to fly low to the ground and we all know they don’t happen in an instance or phase (because you can see other people milling around on the ground and they can see and target you) griefing would be at an all time high on PvP realms if you were still flagged for PvP while flying. If you fly from one PvP zone to another you get unflagged while in flight but get flagged immediately after you land. But while you are on an FP mount, you are never PvP flagged even on a PvP realm.

It’s an easy fix for anyone who understands how code works. :slight_smile:


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Not only have I never ever heard of someone being sniped off a FP mount, I honestly do not think you would even be able to get a cast off let alone see them quick enough to react and attack them.

Great. I’ll let them know next time they kick me that it wasn’t my fault they died. Glad we solved this.

This is all secondary to writing software that works. It literally doesn’t matter how easy your code is to debug, test, explain, etc. if it doesn’t work.

Top priority is writing code that works. Period. The current code doesn’t work. So f****** fix it.

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Hey man, don’t come at me with that. I am trying to validate, that based on your story, you aren’t at fault and neither is the pvp flag option. Honestly I would just leave the group instead of forcing a harder run, means they lose a healer and have to wait again.

It appears to be working as the developers intended, so … I’m curious what definition of “doesn’t work” you’re using.

Appreciate that. I’m frustrated by the push back from people who act like there’s not a problem, and who dilute discussion with trolling, making issues less likely to be fixed.

Developers intend for Beacon of Light to not work? This is a change from how WotLK worked originally; for which there’s no documentation on; for which there’s been no reasoning provided; which the majority players clearly dislike.

If you keep making boneheaded, disingenuous arguments, I’m going to assume you’re trolling and report you.

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Honestly there “shouldn’t” be an issue here for sure, until it is fixed unflagged people should know to just flag themselves in a group with people from PVP realms. Sadly this game has a lot of “Why should I have to?” attitudes.

Sadly this is the WoW forums general attitude. I won’t defend it, but it is something cancerous here for sure.

If it’s “working” as the devs intended it would only be because the devs intended to not spend time or money making something that works. “Doesn’t work” clearly means doesn’t work adequately for the players. I don’t think that’s what the devs intended. I’m sure they had a wish and a dream that it would work well. Their only intention was to not give it any thought before they added it and no attention after it was added to see how well it worked.

Beacon of Light originally worked on flagged targets if you yourself were unflagged?

I didn’t play a paladin back then, so I’ll take your word for it.

Something has changed from og wrath. I played two healers, a priest and a druid, and did a lot of dungeons. I never flagged pvp and never had to to heal in dungeons.

We literally are having this bug in ICC right now. Half the raid members are flagged and don’t get our buffs. We are all trying to flag and it’s not working. FFS just killed 1 hour of our raid time. It’s not hard to fix the freaking game.

What do you mean “it’s not working”?

Typing /pvp does not flag you?

It doesn’t. We had to zone out, get on a flight path and drop our flags 3 times now

Oh – you’re talking about UNflagging, not flagging?

We’ve tried flagging the whole raid by doing /pvp or enabling pvp. It doesnt’ let us. We’ve had to literally zone out, grab a flight path to unflag instead. On Lady Deathwhisper, the MC targets get insta flagged.

It helps if you add to my bug thread or make a bug post. Unless a ton of people are making bug posts about it, the dev and the QA team will just ignore it as a low priority bug.

Or my thread: WOTLK - PvP flag still interfering with party-wide buffs and heal - #3 by Feroid-whitemane

This is affecting raids too. Festergut spore debuff wasn’t going out to half the raid. F****** christ.

EDIT: And you can’t disable PvP flagging while in raid instances. The entire group had to hearth to Dal, disable, and fly back. Wasting our LoD prog time.

EDIT: Outrage in trade chat because it’s happening to raids as a widespread issue today. WTF


i’m always flagged but when i enter dungeon with unflagged players…i don’t get warrior shouts or dk horn/10ap/20%spd or shaman totem.

i don’t even get the gamma haste buff when unflagged players proc it :S

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