How Far Should Classes Go For Race Acessibility?

Part of me would love to have more class options cuz I’d love pandaren warlocks, paladins, or druids.

But at the same time I feel we need to have some sort of restrictions in place, undead paladins being the obvious ones, the lore has been butchered to pieces over the years, but at least this and the reasoning’s for it have mostly stayed intact.

If nothing else I feel like warlock at least could be opened up more, it’s one of those types of fantasy classes that at least feel a bit more flexible.

All classes for all races.

They allowed Wildhammer mages/warlocks and Sandfury druids when they expanded character customization. Those are absolute wallbangers but they did it anyway and class restrictions based on race feel actively malicious as a result. Like otherwise malleable lore and increasingly laughable “immersion” (lolZovaal5Dchess) is being used as a cudgel to keep players from rolling the characters that they want.

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