How exactly is the game at its worst? (a history review over expansions)

I do wish I could give you more than 1 like. :blush:

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The only rng was the drop chance.

In classic there are some items that have rng drop chance and an rng roll on them ie Shadow wrath or frozen wrath etc etc

It’s at all time low sub count and has terrible metacritic rating. Nearly everything you see and hear about BFA is negative.

If you want to get into subjective vs objective, well then it’s just open season with stupid arguments about how your opinion is better than someone elses.


I did, thats why i posted this, an almost 99% of the complains are about features that were present on the past.

To me, is not that BFA is as terrible as they may think, it is just that people (generally speaking) are getting bored about the game itself.

Not for me. I’m playing Classic and have been having a good time. If your statement was true, I would’ve been done with it by now

Class design is pretty much at this point streamlined into essences and now this titanforge replacement

Wod was superior due to the fact pvp was its own game mode and didn’t require you to do pve to not get anything of value anymore

The power creep in this xpac has been completely stupid and shouldn’t ever be praised


I love these posts

Bit late don’t you think, what could have been is irrelevant.

I also agree Wod was a better expansion up to date and thats not saying much, cause crap is still crap, mind you i quit in BOD but going off the wowhead and here im glad i did.


does a rng lootbox end game for gear upgrades ring a bell?wow has the worst gearing system of any mmo now.



BFA is not OMG THE BEST EXPANSION EVER people complain about things that were present in the game before.

and they demostrate their irrational frustration saying “worst than WoD”.

I lost interest in the expansion in BOD as well. I enjoy the cosmetics of the game, but I just wasn’t enjoying the most important part – “playing the game.”

In PVP, definitely. Ashran took a few attempts, but they got it going well. As far as the whole package goes, WOD was still a major disappointment. WOD broke the economy (still hurting us in BFA), cut major selling points of the expansion (Garrisons located in multiple zones; Faction Capitols), and made the game feel empty with how unnecessary it was to leave your Garrison, and the simple fact the AU-story literally had nothing to do with the real timeline beyond serving as a way to bring Gul’dan back.

I don’t feel BFA committed any major sins, but WOD certainly did. (I don’t feel BFA is a good expansion, but it’s not WOD-terrible.)

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You don’t get it at all. You are generalizing all content and ignoring the mechanics that where present in said content.

Take rep grinds for example. In every expansion but legion and bfa you could actually GRIND rep. You did not have to wait a day to get more rep, and you did not lose rep because you did not log in. The daily rep cap in bfa is a mechanism that was not present in most other expansions, so comparing rep grinds is ridiculous.

Pvp is another thing. I used to have pvp toons. These toons never touched pve content unless I was doing a mog run in between queues. I no longer have pvp toons because they have to be played the exact same way as my pve toons to be even remotely competitive in just random bgs. There’s also the fact that blizzard stopped making unique pvp gear in wod and it’s just a recolored raid set.

We all know we are doing the same things we have been doing since we started playing, the difference is the mechanisms that are in place now have removed a lot of the freedom of choice that I did have before.