How exactly is the game at its worst? (a history review over expansions)

Rated BGs died. They don’t fall under Legion or BFA

Here’s the thing, if you want to do those things and be bad at them go ahead and do them without the requirements.

But raiding is unfun (and unfair on your guildmates) if you show up unprepared and have not grinded out reasonable degrees of Azerite Power or getting your essences.
The content isn’t balanced around your decision to put yourself at a 200k health and 20k dps negative just because you haven’t done the stupid world content.

PvP is no fun with that exact same penalty either.

Azerite is not a “choice” in BfA, neither are essences. They are a requirement.
That means you have to WQs each week, you have to do Islands each week you have to do daily timegated world content for many essences.

On top of that with things like M+ rewarding over the top rewards for the highest run each week including the only way to get certain azerite pieces these are things you HAVE to do to play at a reasonable level and they are expected if you are in an form of progression guild.

And if you do PvP? Better believe you need to do them too because they are so much higher than the base rewards. Heck even embassy rewards are better than rewards upto 1800 or 2k rating I believe so that means you need to do that WQ content to gear up.

I could go on, but if you don’t want to gimp your character to the point you might as well have unbound half of your abilities there are things that you just have to do, it’s as simple as that.

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You’re trying to compare health of the two games. Let’s say blizzard scrapped factions and just went from there. I bet some popularity would grow.

Or just realize unless you’re going for top rating, you don’t have to do all that.

Exactly what you resesarched. ITS been the same thing over 15 years ! Every expansion, every patch and etc. It dont work anymore in 2020. They need to come up with something “INNOVATIVE” .Whats innovative? Thats up to the creative game developers to figure that out. Maybe embed research gamers in the wow, in the guilds, in the raids, in the pvp bgs, in chat to find out whats really happening in the game.

:joy: I don’t recommend this. You get the worst of the worst players in there.

Well you cant just only research the good ppl, the bad one are in the game too :sweat_smile:

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True that.

The difference is the type of dailies and the type of dungeons and the type of raids, plus how you have to go about doing them. I am up at 3 am to finish my dailies that I can’t do during the day because the respawn rates are so terrible what will take me 15 minutes to do now takes me over an hour to do during the day. CRZ ruins content.

I personally like new areas but I guess at least we can fly in these and that worm isn’t half as bad as advertised. It actually was pointless to even put in though, it adds nothing.

They need dramatic overhauls in their game systems

And by dramatic overhauls I mean use the mountains of information from players and past experiences to reflect what models they use when creating game play

The fact they haven’t caved in to pvp vendors is beyond me

I’d also like to see ANOTHER number squish so they can have us all doing like 2k dps then not introducing insane power systems that make us go from 100k hp to 400k+ hp in a single xpac

I mean or realise that you don’t want to be a drain on just everyone you play with sure.

Maybe you like forcing people to carry you for your laziness but a lot of people aren’t like that.

You don’t have to be going for the top 5% for those things to matter. They are so important to your character that if you want to do any form of progression/challenging content they are a necessity.

That’s only a single issue with the game. You can ignore them if you want and deny that they exist but it doesn’t change the fact that this expansion is flawed and is not a good one.


Depends on what you mean by Endless. Do you mean actually Endless like in BFA or Legion, you grind for rep for boxes, or you mean it feels Endless, as in very long to take?

Rated bgs were really fun. Don’t see them anymore because there’s no point

It’s not that so many systems exist, it’s that all of them are mandatory.

You realize how much crap a new player would have to do at this point?

Blizzard is pushing away returning players and anyone who likes to have more than 1 character.

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That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens.

Was that the big problem the community had with Dragon Soul? That’s kind of stupid, considering that DS has a lot more annoying things going on with it, such as the endless, cheesy-as-hell, unskippable RP.

Things that make BFA the worst Wow experience.

The over prune of abilities, classes just aren’t fun to play anymore. Especially how grindy the game is now and so few abilities, then the talent system sucks. For many classes there is a big lack of fun talents IMO.

Too much grind as other mentioned. Having to grind reps for allied races sucked, rather than be able to play those races from the start and enjoy BFA with something new. Rather than be burnt out from grinding, only then being able to roll and allied race but for many being so sick of BFA you might not want to bother playing through on another ton.

The M+, azerite power, azerite trait, essences, corruption, flying, just way too much grind to make this game enjoyable.

Gear looks like crap also, not really anything I’ve seen in BFA to get excited about. Wouldn’t kill dev’s to make some gear that actually looks cool again.

Lack of class specific sets is a letdown, sick of of the laziness. Lack of a cool PVP specific set to chase sucks. I always liked when PVE and PVP were two separate worlds, rather than how it is now where anyone can just plow through PVP in their BIS PVE gear.

I also miss the days when 5 mans were fun. Before every dungeon became a joke on regular heroic. Or turned into a zergfest speed run as with mythical which I can’t stand.


OP sure does have a knack for cherry picking and only got 5 likes in the first 420 views

i’m sure someone already showed them the tons of things they left out that clearly differentiate BfA from MoP and previous, and from WoD, so I won’t bother

I’m not sure how OP missed the hundreds, maybe thousands, of threads describing the issues unique to BfA and why BfA had the biggest ever retail population losses during active patch releases, and currently holds the record for lowest subs of all time until classic brought them back up


WOD was still the worst, imo. The overall package was just… not good. Too many cuts. Story felt janky and forced. The Iron Horde was a joke.

BFA, imho, isn’t actually that bad of a game. A few key tweaks in endgame progression (systems) can really make BFA shine. Class design was poor at the start, but I think they got that fixed for the most part. What makes BFA poor (overall) is how the game failed to innovate on the good aspects of Legion and while also failing to make classes feel exciting – classes are mediocre. Because of this, BFA could never be better than mediocre. Include all the poor ratings towards the story, real-world politics, real-world business… BFA suffered.

BFA might be one of the best expansions in terms of art. PVE content has been stellar. PVP suffers from class design, among other things…a lack of PVP vendors mostly.

Much better than WOD, but not as good as Cata.


I actually felt a bit overwhelmed, I think it was in 8.2 patch drop?? Idr tbh, but my complaint was that they had inundated us with quite possibly too much stuff to do.

That, however, does not negate in any way the actual content we spend hours a day playing through to try to achieve whatever goal it is we are working towards.

There is most definitely a serious issue(or more, depending on who you are, and what your in game niche’ is)going on with BFA. This is the first xpac since I’ve been playing(Mid TBC - main was a hunter until recently) that I honestly couldn’t care less whether or not I log in on any given day…compared to that almost crack head addict feeling of - omg I gotta log in I gotta log in I need to do this!! - feeling of xpacs past.

But that’s just my 2 cents. I tagged onto your comment b/c yours seems to be the closest to how I feel.
