How does the solo queue for 9.2 work?

Trying to figure it out and how it will stop lowbies like in bgs with 21k hp just queue in it to get carried?

That might be tough because from what I read the match ends once the first person is killed.

It’s also experimental and not rated either so I don’t think it’s a huge issue right now.

Solo queue will just be skirms without a mmr attached to it. The way to get around having undergeared people in it is that everyone plays with that undergeared person. If a healer is undergeared you should technically have a 50% win rate which means noone gains points noone loses points except the healer whos undergeared.

Solo q for wut? where are you getting this info?

Solo Queue: Solo Shuffle PvP Brawl Coming to Shadowlands Eternity’s End Patch 9.2 - Wowhead News

Couldnt find the actual post about it but its somewhere on wowhead.

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This is a weird way to look at unrated content


Oh so you dont get a rating to upgrade gear from solo queue? You can’t upgrade conquest gear from just doing solo queues?

Not yet until they take it out of Brawl. it’s as a brawl for experimentation until they decide to make it a system

Do you mean in 9.2 it won’t be for rating? Just naother brawl?


" We’re approaching this idea carefully as adding a new format to PvP is a big commitment. Our intent is to implement this idea as a PvP Brawl first, so we can experiment with the format, discover any problems, and receive your feedback. If the format is well-received during the brawl, we can dig into the plan for rating changes, dealing with people abandoning the match, how the ladder will work, and rewards. This article is the first step in that process so please share your thoughts with us in our forums or @WarcraftDevs on Twitter."

So no rating. Just another brawl. I was hoping to use the rating system from this to upgrade my gear from conquest as the season went on but thats not happening. Just more unrated crap.

At most it may be a system in the new expansion unless they actually make it a system during season 3

They’ve already confirmed its unrated in 9.2

Yes because it’s a brawl. I’m saying it won’t be rated like 2s or 3s probably until the next expansion and will probably just be a brawl until the end of this expansion

SO another useless unrated content. got it.

This looks like a Git Educated issue.

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It’ll be useful in the moment for honor gain.

I think that it’ll also have potential as a future ranked format, they just need to test out interest and issues, which can be difficult to gauge off PTR (addons, severely reduced participation, etc).

What was so wrong with having split brackets in skirms for 2s/3s. I wouldn’t mind waiting a little longer and getting to play 3s as a dps, but it’d not worth trying because you’ll pretty much always get thrown in 2s unless you queue as/with a healer

will the index increase? because the LFG is very boring and will not attract people to pvp