How does one apply for a Community Council posistion?

I’m pretty sure you must fit some niche they want.

Gladiator PvP, guild leader, raid leader, played the game since 1994, world first, make regular contributions to various sites, great post history as in no actions, have at least basic reading comprehension, not be a troll with 47 alts, and possibly be part of certain demographic.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

also cant post dragons.

My dragons will get me in the door one day, you’ll see! I bring joy and happiness not all this doomsday nonsense about the game dying.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

would be a shame if something were to happen to those dragons…
:volcano: :volcano: :volcano: :volcano:

You wouldn’t dare! My sweeties hurt no one. I’m training them to hunt gnolls and herds of gnomes. I mean the gnome population is just getting out of control.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

i train my sin’dorei armies to hunt dragons.
:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

I’ll have you know at least half your army is Drakthyr in visage form lol

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

time to weed out the fakes.
:crayon: :crayon: :crayon: :crayon:

X’era enters the chat

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What is the opposite of feel the love?

Intentionally creating a hostile environment is against the code of conduct, especially on a daily basis. Once a few weeks or so could easily be overlooked. Why is this guy so special that the rules don’t apply to him?

just for that you shall never make community council. such a horrific act.
:construction: :construction: :construction: :construction:

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But what if secretly that is 2nd stage of the CC application process?

Thank you forum poster, what is your thought about pineapple pizza Wednesdays.

And the right answer is absolutely yes. There has to be consensus. At which point, I must create the 2nd community council of the non pineapple pizza lovers… :thinking:

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

youll create no such community of pineapple pizza lovers.
:rowing_man: :rowing_man: :rowing_man: :rowing_man:

It will be an exclusive council of Pepperoni and Mushroom Deep Dish with a side of funny looking cheesy bread

:bread: :dragon: :pizza: :bread:

ill cheesy bread you.
:right_anger_bubble: :right_anger_bubble: :right_anger_bubble: :right_anger_bubble:

I’m sorry, I think the food has gone funny

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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ill show you funny.
:taxi: :taxi: :taxi: :taxi:

Any power or privilege come with being on the council. If someone will say something like yeah you have an inside tract to blizzard to provide feedback I’ll say “that’s funny, but seriously?” :slight_smile:

I have an idea for an easy bake bread oven

:dragon: :fire: :dragon: :fire:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

In your mind you are