How does holystrike damage (ret) play into moonkin form

Feels like it doesn’t matter what I do I’m the squishiest MF against rets.

I realize rets are super super strong right now

But when they hit me it feels like I have no armor/defensives.

Magic damage isn’t affected by armour.

But I’m also 99% sure crusader strike isn’t magical and it’s like one of the few physicals in their kit.

You’re prob just dying to literally every other button they hit.

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Uhh. I’m just asking for the interaction between moonkin form and rets holy strike.

Go be butthurt somewhere else plz

Crusader Strike, by itself, is purely Physical.

If CS is upgraded to Templar Strikes, then it now deals Radiant (Fire+Holy) damage.

If ‘Blades of Light’ talent is taken, Crusdader Strike (in all forms) is considered Holystrike (physical + holy) damage, overwriting all others (Causing TS to now deal Holystrike, instead of Radiant).