How do you guys not get bored?

I like to set goals for the day and work on them. Makes the process more enjoyable. Achieving even small goals feels rewarding in itself.

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You can solo complete elite quests by split pulling , kiting , etc. Farming random elite mobs solo as well. It may not be the fastest xp/hour but it feels rewarding. It’s not a sprint but a marathon, you have to enjoy the journey.

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Tell me what you enjoy and I will make a post phrased to sound like you shouldn’t enjoy that, whatever it is.

WoW classic is a game you play for the social aspect, not for the gameplay aspect.

If all you do is solo quests for 250 hours by yourself… yeah it’s super boring.

But if you find a guild, chill in discord, run dungeons or quest together, making jokes having a laugh etc. It’s a fun game.

Doubt many people even play this mode, the only entertainment comes from watching streamers killing themselves for views or made up drama

I really never understood this. It’s fun to play, not to watch others play. I think I’ve watched maybe 30 minutes of HC fails since the beginning. 99 % of it is just boring!!!

Classic is a two monitor game.