How do you feel about the State of gaming as a whole right now?

I’m just glad someone I talked to gets it. It’s rare I get to talk CRPG shop outside of my personal Discord server (we have a lot of oldhead RPG fans.)

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I got really big into cRPGs about 15 years ago so I’ve played most of the ones worth mentioning and several others as well.

More recently I also got into horror with RE2 Remake, which is a genre that’s been doing solidly recently too.

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Are you trying to say that the Kool-Aid man game on the 2600 was not peak gaming?

The state of gaming right now as a whole is pretty dang good. Mobile gaming allows for me to play games any on my phone. I don’t need a gameboy, saga nomad, or PsP to do that. As for the quality of games that has always been a bit of a crap shoot. What changed with gaming is the people and how people react to games.

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It was certainly better than E.T.