How do you decide whether or not to accept a public order?

In the last week, I’ve had a few public orders show up. My results have been mixed.

My LW is specced into bracers, so I accepted a public order for them. Unfortunately, the mats weren’t that great and I ended up with a 4* item. Felt bad about it and noted that I’d recraft for free. Haven’t seen a response

Saw an order on my alchemist for deftness phials. I was short on skill to ensure a 3* phial but did it anyway. Got a very lucky inspiration proc, so I was happy about that.

Saw something up for my engineer, but I knew the best I could do was 3*, so I passed.

What is your approach? Do you accept any or all? Or are you like me and pass when you know you can’t max something.

For me it’s some strange combination of the materials they provide, how I’m feeling that day, any notes on the craft, and the tip.

I filled a public order the other day with r1 mats, r1 adornment, r1 missive, and a Concentrated Primal Infusion (+110 difficulty without help). Did not feel bad at all that it came out T3 before taking the 250g tip into consideration.

If it is for a base item (no adornment or missive) I’ll generally do it if I can guarantee T4 unless they append a note asking for higher.

I’ve whispered people that put up mixed orders when I can tell that if they can upgrade the mats I can increase the guaranteed outcome, but public orders have such a short shelf-life regardless of how long they could be up for that it is hard to wait more than 10 minutes before deciding to take it or not.

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A. Do I get a skill or a knowledge point from it. If so, yes.
if not

B. Is it worth 1K or more gold. I’ll likely take it depending on how many I have open. If its above a certain amount, I’ll usually put my all in to make sure its R5 too.
if not

C. Do I feel like gambling on a Resourceful proc that very likely will not happen. Usually no. Sometimes yes.


being an alchemist

its pretty easy for me. if i see one ill fill it.

sometimes people will post 5 or 6 orders for ultimates and ill whisper them to send them to me personally and ill craft it for them.

The only profession where I ever see more orders than I could handle is Inscription. I won’t do a treatise if the tip is under 100 gold, and I won’t do a treatise unless I have one or more public orders “banked”. The reason is that my Scribe isn’t to skill 100 yet, and I want to be able to jump on anything for a staff if it shows up.

  1. can i make it to a reasonable standard?
  2. is it over 1000g (2,000g for lariats)?
  3. if there is a note, is it simple and clear and not something moronic, like “R5 OR I’LL (censored threat)”?

if so… then i hit yes.

I’ve stopped doing most of them. I have a good proc rate on the diamonds without using insight, but I got an enormous amount of abuse from someone recently because it didn’t R3 proc and it’s kind of turned me off public orders altogether.

I am not sure why people put in a public order with a crappy tip and are then abusive if you don’t spend your insight on them.

<paste “You guys are seeing Public Work Orders?!” meme>

I havne’t seen a Public order show up when I’ve been on for the last 4 weeks if not longer at this point… I’ve been doing the 3 Crafting Order quests almost exclusively with my alts, sometimes for a friend.

I had seen a bunch for a range of 8-10 weeks from maybe the second week of release, and had gotten some good commissions, and felt I had done some good crafts for people. But recently it’s been super quiet on the WO board.

With the little ones I did see back then, I usually took any that I could make at r4+, and only hit my max (when it changed to 4) in one week. If there was no note about quality in the WO, I usually took those as well and did the best I could.


For me I handle them based on gold, value of the craft, is it a first proc, skill up, and so on.
While I did my best to be friendly and kind as you are in the beginning I’ve grown… jaded to it all and become a sort of ‘bad guy’.
1st: Do I get a skill up or first craft?
If yes, then I vacuum it up and craft it. Is that a note? Cute. Is that 5k tip? Neato bonus. Am I feeling bad for making an 2* instead of 5* item? Nope. It is a public order if they wanted skill they would’ve gone to trade chat.
If no, then we proceed to the other steps.

2: Is the gold value worth my time/skill?
If yes, for example I’m specialized in mail belts. So if I see one up for 10k I’ll gobble it up. I’ll actually read their note and even throw in a finishing reagent to help with procs if needed. That’s for 392 though. If it’s not worth my time/skill though then I move on.

3: DO I need the crafting order for the weekly?
No. I always use my alts for this so the answer is always no. However, if I didn’t have alts, then yes. Swipe up everything in sight and just craft it like it was step 1.

4: Am I feeling generous?
My generosity has gone over the hill and died at this point. However, there were times where I would I simply do high level crafts to do them. This was also a case in comissions but for public orders, as I didn’t need them to be fulfilled, I’d sometimes to just craft something for low cost if I liked the note. Or even if there wasn’t one present, so long as they weren’t being a fool or entitled child.

That’s basically my run down of it and thought process. I’m come off as a complete butt of course and I recognize this. I do also do things differently at max, which is I no longer hunt for skill ups, if I can’t max it I leave it alone, and if it isn’t a first craft I leave it alone. Basically if there’s no immediate benefit to me then I leave it alone. Of course I do factor in gold and peoples notes at that point like I do with my LW. There are some notes that’re just… it makes me hate people even more and glad I stopped crafting at this point.

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People are so cheap. i see more inscription public orders than other professions, mostly treatises. I saw several today for like 1-2g tip lol, not even worth it because someone will post for a staff and that’s what i would rather take than waste an order slot for 2g.

I was just on my alch, about to perform a guild craft, when i saw a public order for phial of perception. i went ahead and filled it, i am really close to r3 so i used an insight and a blood salt but it still didnt proc r3. i only noticed as i hit complete order that the requestor put an all caps threatening message about “max quality or be reported”.

pretty sure you cant report someone for fulfilling a public order… and it was too late by the time i noticed the message (i was in a hurry so didnt even look at it before accepting). I am sure i will get harassed tomorrow (yay) but i will politely offer to try again /shrug but i am sure it will get toxic.

I have all crafting professions across several toons, so i craft my own stuff where possible. I dont play 24x7 so ofc nowhere near maxed on my professions, but i try to fill orders as I see them because i just assume people need the help of a stranger or they would submit a guild order.

if they dont want to roll the dice with a public order, they should spam chat looking for someone to submit a private order to… imho…


I used to pass if I couldn’t max it, but after reading a couple of threads like this, I’ve started taking them more (when there are any available, which isn’t often). A few things that I keep in mind:

  • If the mats aren’t max - they didn’t care, so neither do I
  • Same if the tip is low (varies by how hard the recipe is to acquire)
  • If I get a skill-up/knowledge (or on my scribe, learn a new treatise)
  • I do tend to pass up gem cuts if it’s 3* mats and I can’t max
  • I do my weekly order quests between my alts, so that isn’t a factor

Orders are rare enough that most of the time, I don’t worry about hitting the cap. Treatises are the one exception - there are quite often public orders for them, and some of the tips are downright laughable (looking at one for 1s right now). My scribe has become fairly picky.

That’s crazy. I don’t even use R3 mats when I craft stuff for myself. It’s such a waste of extra gold for something I’m going to inspire proc anyways. Especially overpriced R3 embellishments. Save that extra 1K+ gold you were going to spend for a -5 difficulty in crafting and give it to me instead!

I just say “don’t worry, I’ll put your name on ignore there, so it won’t happen again, good luck with public orders”. lol. If they start going on a tantrum, I just report for harassment.

But to be fair, that doesn’t happen often.

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Since Work Order system is kinda of a “wasteland” with nothing (except for Inscription and JC), I usually go with “reasonable comission”, how many public orders I can fill and if I actually need that for anything (knowledge, leveling, weekly).

Most of the time I do the weekly using my own characters, but sometimes it gets boring and if I can avoid by filling a public order (there is also an achievement for it if I’m not mistaken) that also goes with my other reasons, I take it.

Professions that I have 100, I just check to see if there is something of value from it, otherwise I don’t even bother. If not 100 and that would give me a few points, I’m very inclined to accept (unless the order ticks me off like 1s or now 1s/1g no mats orders).

Inscription is really funny, because it’s basically the only one that “works”. Although nowadays, at least on my server, the volume of treatise orders just plummeted. Maybe people are just kinda of moving away from the crafting system.

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reasons not to take an order:

  1. one silver + requesting I provide the mats

  2. providing 3 star mats for everything and I can’t make it max rank w/o inspiration proc

There are 20+ public work orders up in a number of professions right now where people are supplying 0 to hardly any mats and tipping 1000 - 1g. Is this the new scam?

Absolutely. It’s always for something they can sell. They post it for 1s-1g, no mats, and then turn around and put it up on Auction House between 1000 - 2000 gold. You can only ignore them. WHICH OH HEY! Everyone said how bad of an idea it was in pbe and when it was announced. What do you know, it’s a bad idea that only scammer benefit from.