How do we still have this terrible AV?

Not sure if serious.

This is the map. This is classic. You can’t fix AV without making drastic changes. Some would have a greater impact then others but in the end it would need to be altered drastically to what it is now.

  • graveyards need to be redesigned. That ain’t happening.
  • spawn logic needs to be reworked. That could happen.
  • back door to AS…naw. Leave it in.
  • horde able to cap SF before the alliance can touch it? Too big of a fix, that ain’t happening.
  • position of the War masters in Drek’s room? Simple fix but against classic design.

Easy fix is to delay the gate opening for the horde a few seconds so the teams meet at mid field of strife. That combined with making the cave rez only when there are no other GY would help the BG quite a bit.

Ya I guess that would be a simple fix. I guess I was going more the physical route of altering the map.

make everyone spawn in their captains’ holds. Balinda and Galv. everyone meets in FoS

I assume you are speaking from experience? Why don’t you log onto your 60 alliance toon to show you have played on the Alliance side and understand our argument?

The horde can rez 20 at a time. The alliance can only rez 10 at a time. This by itself is dooming. Everything else about GY and tunnel placement is just icing on the cake.

horde just has to spam recall while 5 backdoor ally base. I said I haven’t played since that week. I tried a few games.

The system was changed for the benefit of Actards target markets which are scumbag horde minnmaxxing nolifers and lazy scumbag leeching alliance chads.

It WAS a ton of alliance LEECHING SCUMBAGS who cried for nerfs and every one of them should’ve been banned a long time ago.

That being said, the win rate wouldn’t be SOOO one sided if the map weren’t blatantly imbalanced as well.

And what is stopping the alliance from doing the same thing?

Horde actually DID complain about it. You need to look in the forums. It was a hot topic for those 2 weeks.

And the ally did complain about p2, on really, REALLY imbalanced servers where horde were basically +75% realm population.

And yes, it is because of horde, they have better racials, and people even said “go horde to pvp, ally to pve” months before classic even launched, heck, day one since classic was announced even.

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No, alliance were complaining regardless of the particular server balance.

Did it ever occur to you and the other salty alliance, that the reason they are ignoring your crying about AV is directly related to your crying about P2? Perhaps they realized that you simply do not want to PVP, and are through making allowances for you.

Did you play alliance in P2 on a PVP server that wasn’t Heartseeker?

Majority of the ally that did complain about it, where from skeram. You clearly do not remember, or played then.

Both factions can no longer REZ at their starting caves unless they control NO other graveyard.

Wow AV was hard to fix!

Grobbulus was balanced if not alliance weighted, and alliance there were producing salt.

That’s a great start and would have a huge impact but it’s not enough

It ALL gets changed on TBC, I think we are all gonna just have to wait for those patches.

Everything wrong with AV that Alliance is currently complaining about gets fixed in TBC

blizzard fix this terrible battleground

It’s not just the battleground. There has to be a system in place that punishes the toxic horde pvp community for all stacking on one faction. Rather it be faction specific server queues or the inability to premade AV while alliance can. Fixing the imbalance in pvper distribution between the factions is the only thing that will ever truly fix pvp.

Let’s be honest, you gotta be a real scumbag to roll this game for PvP and then be willing to sit in a queue longer than the match and still consider it worth it because you get to steamroll. Its pathetic and the horde pvp community should be the ones to pay the price.

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backdooring the horde base through the waterfall is a much more difficult path. Horde start closer to mid, if they get SH/IB choke like usual it’s GG…