How do we feel about the upcoming tuning buffs?

Big Fan. Cleave is awesome. More damage on Cleave is good news. Dreadnaught was nerfed from beta, so getting that back is “nice”. Demolish buff is good too. Damage overall in Keys will go up quite a bit just from the Cleave buff and with buffs to Execute too, our Priority Kill goes up as well. I’m looking forward to the tuning.

Are there utility fixes I hope to see next season? Yea. Shockwave Baseline, move while channel Demolish for Arms (remove the DR), buffs to Battle Shout/Rally in 5 Mans, or another utility like Banner (either reworked or a similar APT effect, like a “Stand and Fight!”)

I’ll buy a 12-month sub if we ever get Bloodlust but it ain’t happening.

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