How do Shaman compare to Priest

Shamans might become quite popular this time around, which is great for guilds.

Why do you think there is an increase in ppl wanting to play shaman?

People know more about the class. I think there will be more Warlocks than Hunter mains.

Resto Shaman is great in BGs and I did especially will holding in AB. Hard to kill. I was a Troll for looks but the casting and health regen were nice bonuses.

It could just be wishful thinking on my part, but in the tauren starting areas on the stress tests I saw a lot of shamans.

Back in Vanilla a ton of people chose the trinity classes (Priest, Warrior, Mage) because that’s what they knew. They were straight forward and easy to pick up/understand.

That’s not the mindset of retail. People play all of the classes relatively evenly. I think Retail will bring this mindset to classic.

You won’t be worst than an Spriest if you go 30/21 ele/resto. Youll be much better. Nobody even brings spriests to premades cause their damage is dispellable. But everyone wants a good shaman. Healing PvE it’s not really a fair comparrison as your roles a
re completely different

My first character was a warlock that I got to into the level 40 bracket before making a lowbie hunter. The hunter was so fun I never logged onto my warlock again. It’s a shame that hunters might be unpopular due to being the lowest dps in Naxx.

…or just general mana of the group; I’m not the priest’s pet.

You mean, how does a Priest compare to the world class Shaman?

I know you meant to say it that way.

Well, we’re much more handsome than priests for a start.


I found priests more fun than Shaman personally, I really tried to level a shaman but I don’t find melee fun and I had a better time healing on my priests without having to worry with totems.

Imo it doesn’t matter what class just play what you find fun.

I think Oblivion really captured the heart of it.
Do you prefer tank healing or support healing?
I split raided a shammy and a priest in vanilla.
Priest night was main tank healing with some renews off healing.
Shammy night was raid healing, buffing, totems etc.
People notice the tank healer and don’t think much about the raid healing and buffing until they try a night without. Then they wonder why it was so much harder.

Do you want to be in the spotlight or prefer to quietly make everyone better?

Shamans are kinda like pallys and druids, where most of your leveling is physical damage. Priests will always be taking physical damage unlike a mage or lock, only different being you’ll have PW: Shield on 24/7 mitigating that damage.
Shamans are definitely more fun if you like melee classes.
Priests are more fun if you like casting classes.
Shams a lot of utility when it comes to groups. You can throw down multiple totems that effect only melee, only casters, or a little of both.
With priests your essentially just healing and doing damage.

One big thing that keeps me away from priests is how much mana it costs to buff yourself up. Fortitude costs a ton of mana, around 25%, and then you have inner fire, shadow resist, etc, it really eats way at your mana. Not a big deal if you are buffing Fort once every 30 mins but if you get killed in world pvp, BGs, group wipes. You have to rebuff people and use all your mana then sit down a drink, again.

I want to be in the spotlight making everyone better.