How do premades still have such low honor levels and or skill levels as well

losing to players who play less than you really gets you going.
id be embarrassed flaunting my 1k+ honor level if i wasn’t the best ret paladin in the game.
if anyone is playing wow all day its the 1500 hl player.

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Your coping hard. And they may play less but for some reason they seem to take randoms far more seriously than I do so much so they stack 2 raids of 5 in 295 minimum gear in coms like it’s mythic fated jailer

I am going to be real, you just kind of sound mad. Yeah pre-made’s can suck to run up against, sure maybe they should be matched with other pre-mades. But like, if they were actually as bad as you say they would be losing. Bad pre-mades still tend to lose to good pugs.

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apparently quoting the whole thing is hard

i have to admit charming. u are like the wish dot com version of me on these forums. annoying but u have no substance and really suck. at one point i thought maybe u were better than u are portraying. or maybe this in itself is an illusion of trollhood? anyways if u need tips on drawing actual heat on yourself i can help.

[quote=“Bluster-area-52, post:160, topic:1360092”]
Always very confused when I see you talking about yourself in the third person on whatever new alt you decide to post with. Also very confused by the insinuation you make that literally anyone outside of maybe 20ish people that live in epic BGs and do nothing else know who you are, let alone that you have a brand. Really weird, tbh
[/quote] As she said I don’t know and don’t really care about who you imagine yourself to be

i will admit u have solid points on ruin trash though

Point is I have the devs on my side and the premaders don’t

The sad thing is, without these Charming “fluff” threads this board would be completely dead lol

Charming is probably the best poster in the BG forums at the moment, no one else can match his activity-level or interesting posts

what if i do premades and am in a premade community but solo queue more often than i do the premade groups. where is your opinion on that?

why hello there. like i said hes the wish dot com version of me. but we all know my status amongst this community :wink:

Ahm sounds about right

I mean, I don’t remember the last time you had a megathread in here

On the other hand, Charming “just came out of nowhere” and he got a 700+ megathread under his belt already

Like I said, he probly the best poster in the BG forums when going off activity-level + interesting posts :popcorn:

Think most PvP players are below 250. Especially Arena/RBG players.

Idk just hit I think 250 honor level myself and I’m a BGer with 100,000’s of HKs. Did some premades tonight but not sure where the rest of my team is at.

Honor level is pretty dumb and hope they remove it. (never really cared for the idea) Rather they focus on HK’s again. Or maybe KB’s.

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Dragonflight is basically an ARPG but in MMO form. If you like PoE or Diablo you will love DF. Massive power creep, tons of build options and bing bang…zoom zoom.

However PoE or Diablo’s PvP isn’t for everyone so DF might not be either.

some of my “mega threads” have been removed. i mean charming has potential to be as infamous as me. let me know when all these threads actually get locked or taken down. just posting a ton of threads doesnt mean they are quality. plus that mega thread u spoke of was pumped in numbers by yours truly. as soon as i came into it that thread went fire. even u and others commented on waking up to it. :wink:

Not really, 250 is on the “low” side by now

I tuned into Flarkness stream the other day (PvP-focused DK player) - a guy who literally does nothing but spam RBG/arenas all day - and he’s up to 1595 or so. While he’s an extreme example, I imagine the more lower end/casual PvPers, who actually PvP regularly, are going to be 400+ by now

Well I skipped most of Legion cause of templates like many PvPers. The majority of PvP players or just players in general play WoW 1-3 months a year in recent expansions. We pick a season go hard then leave for 6 months+.

Your example of someone who Streams (Flarkness) who is trying to build a brand isn’t a good one. Most PvP players sat out almost all of SL and times where honor level really went up in previous expansions.

That’s why our honor level is low for the majority. Under 400 and mine is 254 despite having so many HK’s. We get to farming BGs for a limited time, just a patch of an expansion. (because WoW has sucked for a long time) Just the trend now these days.

PS - Honor level is pointless and the dumbest thing they added. It’s the most irrelevant thing in this game. Anytime someone starts talking about honor level I know what follows will be irrelevant.

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Imagine having an honor level as high as OP’s and still get your butt kicked by everyone. So much so that it becomes a discord game. Pin the flag on the donkey, I mean pally.

I’m still waiting for a genuine video link of you or anyone else fighting and beating me 1v1 but your not going to cause all you can do is 4v1 and then screenshot when everyone is off screen. And if it’s a warlock or a overgeared dk it doesn’t count