How do people tolerare dragonflight?

What I thought happened? I watched her do it.

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If only these forum warriors had any skill in the actual game they claim to play…

Spend less time insulting people on the interwebz, making nonsensical forum posts/comments to pad that post count, and more time getting better in WoW… hmm?

And clearly you’re a witness with a conscience that can think

Heirloom books and win.

Vigor charges**

how do you get heirloom books? how much are they?

There isn’t one for Dragon Isles yet.


it says it only apply up to shadowlands.

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I’ve come to realize that the very few of you who complain needlessly about dragon flying, are posting on alt accounts trying to make your voices louder than they really are.

You are an extreme minority in this sentiment.

The vast majority have accepted and embraced dragon flying as the new standard.

Move on with us, or go to classic.

You said for alts, I wasn’t considering you were asking for DF as well.

However, any glyphs you collect are shared among all of your characters as well.

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yeah all my alts are doing dragonflight. well except for my priest.

I think it’s awesome. However, I have a background in multiple flight simulators so maybe that’s why I like it.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I can attest to the fact that Bread is not an alt (or at the very least, Bread posts on this character A LOT).

Collect the glyphs. There should be a map or coords on WoWHead. I found most of them fairly easy, only needed to look up a two or three at the end.


I am convinced the majority of the forum trolls with 10K posts and higher don’t even play the actual game.

They prove this by having no clue how to do the most basic of skills, such as the easy to learn dragon riding.

It took me about 15 mins to learn the basics… yet these people are still complaining about it more than a year later…

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Some would consider me a troll.

I play the game. Dragonriding is easy and fun.

Guess I’m not the majority.


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:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Collect the dragon flying glyphs.

Dragon Isles
Forbidden Reach
Zaralek Caverns

I used an add on to find them, some are very high and anoying to retrieve. You only need to collect them once.


guys i take back everything bad i say about dragonflight have this quest where you have to kill goats to get work orders back. 10/10 best expansion ever now. :grinning:


uh huh…no backsies

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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