So anyway, back to the topic at hand. Seems like 18s are around your ballpark. Not a good look bro. You for some reason willingly started a key with double healers, I’m not sure what you were expecting. You could’ve 100% left that key before it started.
Either way, complaining about players ain’t the way to go
Seeing as your achievements don’t correlate your story, posting on your toon with the feat may.
I mean I’ve timed all 20s, I don’t completely disagree, I just don’t see the point of making this thread other to flex and if so you might as well flaunt your toon.
The group did 150k dps, it doesn’t matter where the dps comes from. In a world where 400k dps is enough to time 28s, yeah 150k dps will be enough to time a 16 which is 1.1^(16-28) = .32 times as hard. The group only needs to do about 128k dps to time a 16 if everyone plays .32 times as well as the people doing 28s.
Honestly, I wonder how bad your real life must be if you feel the need to post this topic and defend it with such obvious BS. I hope things get better.