How do people do it?

how did you manage to get your Raid team to line up so perfectly?

That’s a sight to behold :joy:

hmm should i use the cute purple bear or the rare that gives me tons of health…

The real question how does someone hit 60 on jan 31st and on June 20th still not have a better gear then crafted? Obvs troll thread is obvs

stack up as many defensive anima powers as you can early on.

my HIGHEST geared character can’t even queue for heroic dungeons lol…speaking of which, what is the ilvl to get into heroic dungeons?

As I said in another reply, I have 6 alts that I’ve been doing it with. I didn’t want to repeatedly do the same thing again and again, so I got all my characters as far as rescuing Jaina and getting the covenant quest chain partially done, then I started doing everything else on one alt at a time, until I eventually get to this character.

Honestly brah idek what to say, we just play 2 different games. My advice get some gear.

Certain specs/classes/anima powers will make all the difference. With the right combo it’s really easy (for the parts of I’ve done anyway).


I am climbing up slowly in Twisting Corridors until I get unlucky on last Boss.

Patrician Cromwell popped as my last boss when I dont have talents for cleave. My setup then is only good for 1 target or 3 targets. But 2 targets, freaking Patrician Cromwell pwned me.

Another run back then I lossed a lot of lives on a high floor mini-boss becoz I thought I could just kill it before it kills me. Just to realize that I have to just jump when he cast that bad spell. I wasted too much lives before I have beaten it.

I just need more playing hours free to get another attempt.

you can simply do your covenant questline and get a full ~200 ilvl set.

you’re gimping yourself unnecessarily.

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But you can get them to around 197 just with Covenant gear. And those set bonuses work well in Torghast!

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I did one myself for the Anduin quest and it was miserable and then forced my friends to do the rest of them with me because they couldn’t do it alone and also to be miserable with me lol

Your ilvl is 150+, that’s why. Once anyone hits 190+, torghast stops being hard and starts being a chore. You can chip layer 8 on 170 to 180+ as a tank; it takes forever, but as long as you move out of the bad, pull modestly, and interrupt at the right times, nothing can kill you.

Cassima, the easiest way that I have found is with an elemental shaman. And focus on getting 2 deadened earth which grants you a permanent earth element tank, and deathseer’s whip which grants you a free lust every 30 seconds when you use any totem. By far the easiest clear I have done about ilvl 167-170ish

A strong defense is better than a monster offense.

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Just have to maybe except for dungeon/raid you respec to destro/afflc.

Huntards get crap for pet accidents. IMO…its not as bad as lock pet accidents.

WHy as hunter I go MM and just pop for lust on a boss. It ain’t my pet…look at the lock.

Now I run a lock off and on I get downtime summoning pets. On transit I bring em in. I fear the pet accidents on my affliction lock. So I avoid them by recalls. Lose time on the summoning the tradeoff.

Again, I haven’t done it on this character. I’ve been doing it on my alts first.

I’ve gotten my alts as far as they can currently go, in the covenant quest, but some of those set items are pretty weak. Here’s my druid, for example. Only three of the items she’s got are over 170.

Might wanna get the anima to do the upgrades then. A full set of covenant gear with a few LFR/M+ pieces is more than enough to solo layer 8…it won’t be fast, but it’ll be doable.

Choreghast is crazy easy as a bear btw…slow and steady, but easy.

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…oh. Somehow, I’d completely forgotten about that.