How do Jaina lovers defend her?

How do Jaina lover’s defend her?

Well, it’s not hard considering all the hyperbole thrown around when discussing her faults.

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Jaina is still a better character than Sylvanas ever will be.

Welcome to humanity, have you lookd at the news recently? Humans can be absolutely impusive, monsterous creatures, but also are quite capable of realizing they are being stupid, and deciding to change the way they look at things.

Jaina might not be perfect, she’s not an absolute monster like Sylvanas.

Heck, when she was having her psycho moments, people -did- deride her, and there were even conspiracy theories she’d been replaced by a dread lord.

To say she hasn’t gotten flack for what she’s done is straight up wrong.

However, you can see plenty of people writing off Sylvanas blighting her own troops and foricing them to raise as abominations to keep fighting as the results of “Unfortunate friendly fire”

The horde will justify anything Sylvanas does, even when she shows absolutely zero remorse for her horrible actions, but anytime Jaina shows remorse for her past actions idiot sylvanas supporters will point at her and go “But other people are bad too. Stop pointing out the bad things Sylvanas has done, this is war! Anything goes.”


In fairness, I would call shenanigans on anyone short of Kil’jaeden, Archi or a Guardian 1v1ing Azshara successfully.


Did you really have to throw this in there after such a well written response? I disagree with most of your points, but this whole "sylvanas is hot " being the reason people like her is just weak.

I liked Sylvanas when she was a garbage night elf model. I would like her if she had a generic undead female model. She is my warchief and faction leader, and has always faught for me, even when the rest of the Horde didn’t. She is pragmatic, ruthless, and yet still flawed, which makes me like her.

People can disagree with you without owning a body pillow.


I mean, I could stop bringing it up.

But at the same time, there is no logical explanation outside of pure fanboyism that explains why people will constantly cover up and ignore the illicit actions Sylvanas does, while at the same time, calling for the death of those that oppose Sylvanas, and try to deflect any critism by pointing the finger at other characters.

Yes, I am aware it is hyperbolic, I can admit to that. However, it’s also what irrates these people the most, and nothing else I say or do gets through the giant brick wall of bias.


After reading the OP’s responses to people at the start of this thread. And how terrible and childish some of those responses were to people that gave legitimate information?

This boi be trollin’ and baitin’.


I love Jaina, she is the first character in Alliance that is willing to actually take action and kill horde. Sylvannas has slaughtered countless innocents, so yeah…Jaina needs to step up even more if you ask me. I’m a Jaina fangirl through and through.


Because as the person said above me, she’s the first major Alliance character to stop acting like The Horde are nice people.

She woke up, she saw the reality. As long as The Horde exist they’ll keep burning, pillaging and waging wars until we’re gone.

We spared The Horde at the end of Siege. Now Teldrassil is in ashes, and we’re in a world war.


Wait, people need to defend Jaina? She has enough plot armor to never die, protect someone else like Genn or something

I find Jaina tiring this expansion. Really makes me want to scream her catch phrase “enough”. That said she’s also kind of the alliance’s only saving grace this expansion so I guess it is what it is.

Explain the tortured Theramore civilians in Siege of Orgrimmar. You know, the ones being forced to fight each other for the amusement of the Orcs?

Garrosh was never corrupted. This is something Blizzard has been very clear about.

Remember Throne of Thunder? Her staff is now infused with the power of Lei Shen.

That’s because Varian was the leader of the Alliance, not her. He was the one to make that decision.

The existence of Nathanos Blightcaller proves this to be false.


At least it’s a better excuse than Wrathion got. He spent all of MoP preparing us for the Burning Legion’s return and then did nothing when they finally showed up.


Natural decay and putrification.


If you made a venn diagram of Sylvanas lovers and people who complained when her armor was changed to be less skimpy, it’d just be a circle.

Some people really will make excuses for anyone as long as they find them hot enough.

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The irony is too much for me to bear. I think I might die of laughter.


Same reason people try to tell you Sylvanas is a benevolent leader who loves puppies and would never harm a fly.

Burning those people in Teldrassil was good for the environment. Hello? Ever heard of controlled burnings?

Gosh you people. Are just haters on a Queen, yaaas.


Helping the Horde kill her father was pretty indefensible, all right. Still, she’s tried to make up for it since by killing lots of Horde, so that might explain why some have forgiven her.

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At this point what characters aren’t written horribly?

Story writing has never been WoW’s strength.

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Before we go complaining about Jaina.

Your stance on Sylvanas? Because if you are whining about her but love Sylvanas and think she did nothing wrong while calling it a war, you are a hypocrite. (Note I said if, not you are)


So then youre just trolling.

I dont like Sylvanas but if thats youre go to way of confronting her supporters then youre just throwing oil on the fire and strengthening their resolve rather than prove them wrong.

Its a weak stance, a weak argument, and bad form.