How do I show Pictures?

raises hand


Yep, add a bunch of people on high trust levels to be moderators so blizz dont have to put in the work

I think I have TL3, but how do I post pictures? I want to download something from Google and put it into a post

well… there goes that.

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the whole trust level thing goes by char as well. It’s not tied to your account. So if you switch chars, everything restarts. Well, maybe not everything.

And this is even later but that key is often referred to as the tilde (~) key.

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Wow, farming my reading habits for trust level. Hmmmm.

Is there an achievement for this at least.

Or a mount. :rofl:

That’d be nice.

Thank you for this! Was just trying to upload a picture!

no kidding, having to read 20000 posts?? I have a job man, I’m not spending 8 hours a day reading forums to post a screenshot, lol

2 years later :expressionless:

go into one of the megathreads, and scroll.
nobody is going to look over your shoulder to ensure that you physically read the posts.

EDIT: Dang necromancers got me again!

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