How do I show my Character's Face on here?

Yep. And my bad.

Sometimes this just happens and no amount of logging in/out of the game/forums, cache clearing, transmog changing, equipment removing/changing, gaining an achievement, etc will kick it into gear and pressure the armory to update the character image. I currently have this issue with a lightforged draenei warlock and have been hoping it will update. for a few days but nada. It certainly doesn’t hurt to try these “fixes”, but they don’t necessarily work every time nor for every character. A couple months back it took ~2 weeks for Pharazon here’s to update at one point: sometimes the armory is just aggravating.


Have you tried unplugging it and then plugging it back in?

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some guys prefer anon

^ Truth

I gained a level on my mage Alice, got about 5 achievements, logged out of the forums, cleared my cache, logged back in, and the charater is still not showing up to select from the list, my other Wrath charaters are showing up, just not my level 59 mage.

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