How do I see my trust level?

Me thinks you protest too much.


Im untrustworthy.

I’m an introvert by nature. I know when and where to put on a face and interact as needed. But it is exhausting for me to do so. Sure you can practice interacting with people and what not, but it still takes a toll.


You can think whatever you like, I don’t know you.

Yeah, Roshom is clearly a troll, given how he’s sitting here spending the better part of an hour literally wasting time spamming the thread over and over with personal attacks and dubious comments about how productive he is compared to everyone else.


Oo, catty.

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Yeah, you’re right, my bad. It’s obvious some people are going to live their dull, sad lives in front of a pc, and I should just ignore their comments.
There’s no helping those people if they won’t help themselves.

Well at least I won’t spend my sad dull life being bitter about what other people do in their free time.


Kudos to you on that. You are a person who just sits in silence and won’t try to help others… nothing wrong with that.
You’re an enabler of the pitiful.
p.s. it’s nothing to be proud of.

Well I do technically get paid at my job to sit in silence so technically this is true.

Sometimes I do, like earlier in this thread I helped someone with some information. Sometimes I help my family and friends out. Like tomorrow I think I have to help my step-dad clear some brush to store some stuff for the winter off property.

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I don’t believe you. I’m 99.9% sure you’re listening to the Spice Girls right now.

It’s 4:37 am and I can’t stop… Blizzard you created a monster :cowboy_hat_face:! Now I feel I must throw :poop:on everything I can find and I :ox::poop: you not!

Completely irrelevant to what I’ve been posting about, however, good for you. Is always good seeing people do activities outside of the internet. + 10 from me

No no no…It will be some Kpop though, probably Blackpink and some Twice.

Well you did make a claim that stated I do not try to help others so…

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just tried it. highest is a 1.

color me suspicious, and the King once sung about not living our lives with Suspicious Minds

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I’m not going to worry about this digital popularity contest, because it simply does not matter.

Congratulations Roshom, you’'re the first to have me searching for the ignore feature.


O but it does😂

Flag his posts for trolling first, to help out the wider community.