How do I get better at M+

Thanks for taking the time to write all that out. I’m not quite on that kind of level though, I’m more of a semi hardcore casual these days. I don’t even know how to use weak auras and I definitely don’t use wc logs. If I’m being honest idk what weak auras is even used for…

Still you provided a lot of quality information, so thanks for that.

Weakauras are from wago (a website) that do a various amount of things. for instance, on this warlock it puts all of my important cds and abilities directly under my characters feet so that i don’t have to look at the borders of my screen to see my cds

it also does things like when a spell is casting by a boss or mob, it’ll put a little icon on your screen telling you what the ability is, and what to do with it.

but these are all separate weak aura strings that you search for on wago, and import into the actual weak aura addon.

there’s tons of useful ones, like reminding you to use raid buffs, or food flasks etc

No problem. I’m very big into not telling people how they “Must” play. I would say, in that case, If you want to take a first step - try download Mythic Dungeon Tools (/MDT). People use it to make routes, but it also allows you to look at the abilities of all bosses and trash in all dungeons by right clicking on them in /MDT.

MDT is nice for just getting a birds-eye-view of the dungeon as well. It can be a bit disorienting at first, but it’s a nice first step. It’s something to look at whenever you’re “waiting around” in game.

I would advise AGAINST using DBM or Littlewigs “out of the box” without customization. It will literally fill your ears meaningless noise and distract you.

Watch videos if you can, you don’t need to take notes or memorize anything but getting a preview is very helpful. Bigwigs (+Littlewigs) or DBM, and nameplates addons like Plater will be a huge help while still familiarizing yourself.

Also MDT can be a valuable source of info if you want.

Push your own key (or run with buddies) and learn as you go is most of what it boils down to.

if you’re a visual learner, i think videos & livestreams are a really good way to learn your specific class…but at the end of the day, your experience in game is going to be the best teacher.

videos/livestreams don’t really capture how your class “feels” or “plays” in real time. It’s also a good way to memorize your personal strategy/rotations in the content you’re doing.

proving grounds/mage tower are also good tools for measuring your progress (i think they’re excellent for learning small group content like m+)

Just have a good attitude, practice, don’t blame the game for every struggle/challenge, don’t be a know it all that can’t take criticism or advice, and play within your skill range…you’ll be just fine :ok_hand:

You said ilvl 372 isn’t lower end

Umm… yes it is. That’s entry level & I’m surprised anyone let you in a +7 at all

You will die less with more ilvl/stamina

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The same way anyone gets better at anything.

Learn as much as you can about every detail and practice.

Try and be pro-active with your defensive cool downs rather than reactive. This is tied to the learning aspect.

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may sound like a cop-out answer but tanking is probably the best way to learn and get better in m+ if you play a class capable of it

while pugging the entire run on your shoulders and you will have to learn what to kick, what to move out of, what mobs are worth pulling, what mobs can be pulled together and overall just control the pace of the group

it isn’t exactly fun on paper and it is going to be painful as you learn but once youre comfortable you can pretty much join any group at any time and the loot flows like water

That seems about average for that key.

It’s a tired line, but the “run your own Keys” while you learn is the best advice. Not everyone is cut out to push keys. I am one of them. Open them up to like-minded individuals who just want to hit a low-end goal at this point in the expansion (maybe +5). Don’t get discouraged about a downgrade.

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Getting better at M+ is first learning the dungeons to the point you know every trash pull and boss mechanic by heart. You want to be using your dps cds basically on cd on trash. Learn to avoid mechanics and be quick to press a defensive if you feel threatened.

Also, learning how to pick people for your own key is a bit of an art. It’s less about IO score because anyone can get IO score even if they fail keys. You have to look at how many keys they timed, have they timed a similar key, etc. It’s kind of like picking players for your sports team.

You have to learn to be ready to accept failed keys as well. A lot of people get butthurt about not timing keys.

Don’t be super concerned with pumping. Just don’t die. Too many dps do not understand this: dead dps = zero dps.

No, you don’t need to watch detailed videos. Usually you can just watch what other people do or read the UI prompts. Most of the deadliest things are very clearly telegraphed to players now.

I read the dungeon guide and see what the deadly abilities are. I also read what healers and tanks have to worry about. For example some abilities ONLY are mentioned to the ttank, like how tanks almost 100% of the time have to stay in front of bosses who are stationary. If dps doesn’t know that, and the tank backs off for whatever reason, guess who gets 1 shot? The melee dps who doesn’t understand there MUST be someone there for the boss to hit.

A lot of it just learning by trial and error! I only watch videos for the odd raid encounter if I bother to raid once in a blue moon. Otherwise… you can learn all you need just from playing. Stick to low keys before you try to jump ahead.

And yes, the jump from 5-7 and 7-10 is quite huge; it’s supposed to be with a new affix. Everything is less forgiving. Burial grounds for example has a few trash mechanics that must be kicked or else everyone dies. Usually these are the very slow casts.

Prioritize not dying, and that usually happens when you realize it’s okay to NOT dps ffor a few seconds. I know it sucks especially when you blow a CD, to try and get every second in there… but again, what’s better, wasting a few seconds of a cd or just straight up dying?

You got this, don’t worry.

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You need to get to the point where you can focus on where your character is standing and what the mobs around you are casting.

So in short, yes, you need to learn all the mechanics of every fight… from trash to bosses. Most people slowly pick this up just by playing, but if you watch videos you will learn more quickly.

Best way to get better at not dying is to stop speccing into Skyreach.

Are you using your defensive abilities when you know a lot of damage is going to come out? This season of M+ is designed for DPS to have to use their defensive abilities the higher you go in keys because it’s impossible to be healed through it.

Beautiful answer. Thank you